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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You do understand that Biden relies on his intelligence to tell him what to do in front of the microphone right it’s not like I’m sitting in a communications room gathering data. There are people for that. I’m sure Trump would’ve been all over this
  2. You have no idea how random that gallop pool is And when someone makes an art article like this, they do polling to together data Just admit that once again, you stuck your fat ass nose, where it didnt belong
  3. Listen to her, she deserved to get Maced and right in the face You storming the capital you lucky you didn’t get shot B word
  4. Trump isn’t man enough to grow a beard like that
  5. It’s interesting that Julie actually put that out there the reason for the Civil War was opposition to the abolishment of slavery And once again, the confederates are about to be on the wrong side of history
  6. He is conservatives stop cutting their ***** funding. What do you think? At this point the Trump train is running low on coal
  7. You do have to laugh at somebody, turning into a snowflake, whenever she self followed, a student home, lamenting that the boy was taking away her guns We’re standing outside of another congresswoman office, whenever she was not a congresswoman at the time banging on her door Or Is this the same Republican who talked about how he had a friend that was married to an underage girl and they were making it work just fine Pig
  8. https://www.politico.com/newsletters/politico-nightly/2023/11/10/voters-are-worried-about-bidens-age-he-knows-it-00126664 sit your ass down JD
  9. Word is he has been killing it in the weight room My question will be actual football shape
  10. Yes, it actually is because of his age. If you look at any of the polling whenever they talk about Biden, they talk about his age which actually is a valid criticism. They’re worried that he’s going to die while he’s president.
  11. Keep up with current events Unemployment is down Gas prices are down Inflation is down GDP is up The number say that and no amount of crying about it is changing it
  12. Did you take a break from sucking off Trump to write this message?
  13. I have no idea where you’re coming with this it’s not true on so many levels The Warhawks are typically on the right
  14. Don’t kill yourself Russia wanted all of it But yes, the only way this was going to end was thrunegotiation and unfortunately people had to die for it And it’s not over they will set up new barrier lines, and Russia will reevaluate why they weren’t able to take over such a small country so quickly and adapt
  15. The whole thing is kind of silly people should be able to vote for whoever they want And live with the consequences of it
  16. Rooting for Dequan Jones to have his old form this has been playing well, but it was playing really well when he was in there previously
  17. I figured said it yesterday He just have too many other offensive lineman, who can fill in right tackle on the team
  18. He said more than that I thought the comment about basically saying that he doesn’t sweat the bills but we should definitely be sweating them was particularly nice
  19. This guy is not a journalist he is an opinion host There you go somebody said it
  20. If I remember correctly, he was throwing some shade at the bills before we played them this year as well Chase is an extremely unlikable guy
  21. rhino and I have actually met and I consider him a friend of mine. Haven’t talked to him in a long time though.
  22. I’m wondering why the conservatives on the board are not engaging in this thread the only thing we have is doofus, putting up a picture of Trump riding a Tyrannosaurus rex when we all know that thing would eat him and get heartburn later
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