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Jack D. Ripper

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Everything posted by Jack D. Ripper

  1. Well done. Does TBD give an award for the most pointless pre-season thread? If so, I nominate the above. Now let's get back to more of "Pointless Mock Drafts and the bored fans who love them."
  2. I just sprayed my afternoon coffee all over my computer screen! Thanks for making my day.
  3. Trading back into the first round for Bush would make zero sense. I suppose the Whitner pick has convinced everyone that Marv can be relied on to bend over backwards in order to reach for a marginal talent. There will be value RBs in the third round (maybe Hunt for example).
  4. Chad Greenway = "Busty McBustington" now THAT'S funny!
  5. Smith is a Boston hack. NFL Live has shifted to B-list mode for the off-season. I've dropped it from my Tivo list.
  6. Good stuff! We have our Mr. Inside now Marv has to find Mr. Outside. It's almost like they have a plan or something!
  7. I didn't expect WM to be the same player after the injury but I figured that if he could get back to 90% he'd still be better than most of the backs in the NFL. It makes you wonder though. WM always seemed to be looking to get around the corner. That worked at the U but not in the NFL. When you can get over on speed alone and your O-Line is dominant nearly every week why worry too much about where the hole is? Just look to bounce it outside. It seems that he is either unwilling or unable to learn an NFL playbook. DJ and ML can't tolerate that from a franchise back. The Ravens will have to keep it real simple if they expect consistent production.
  8. An interesting idea..... Maybe the Ravens can change the uniforms to include pink cloth panels on the flanks of the O-Linemen.... Or is that just too obvious?
  9. WM is a good back but I don't see him as an up grade over JL. I think we are going to miss him this year. All the dancing aside, WM was still the best back on the roster and C. Brown / C Dillon is no upgrade IMHO. I Hope Lynch is available at #12.
  10. I read it...I know 2008. Read this.... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/scor...rs.nfl/?cnn=yes You'll get the point...
  11. Umm I don't think so...Didn't the Pats just trade away their second round pick for Wes Walker? Maybe you are confusing the story...Anyway there is nothing posted on the Pats Home Page. http://story.scout.com/a.z?s=121&p=2&c=624164 Patriots Trade for Miami WR Wes Walker The In a trade today with the Miami Dolphins, the New England Patriots acquired restricted free agent WR Wes Welker today in a trade with the Miami Dolphins. Welker, who was tendered by the Dolphins at the mid (2nd round) level, was in Foxborough on Sunday to meet with the team, and possibly sign an offer sheet that was expected to be difficult for the Dolphins to match. The trade provides Miami with additional compensation they wouldn't have received if Welker signed the offer. Now instead of receiving just a second round pick, Miami will reportedly receive a second and a seventh round pick from New England.
  12. All of which begs the question: How does he know what piss tastes like?
  13. He'll be coaching the beer vendors by mid season. "If the customer is more than two seats in from the aisle, go ahead and throw it.." What a pud knocker.
  14. Yep, I was thinking of making a 5 hour drive up and buying a walk up seat but I just got tapped to make a bizdev trip. My brothers and I try to meet in Buffalo once a year to see a game. Sunday Ticket is the best thing since floating soap.
  15. Wow. That was a lot of mental energy to waste on a pipe dream. I'd love to see it bro, but this team is not ready for the playoffs.
  16. It's all about draft position now anyway. Just squish the fish, drop the rest.
  17. Snow won't stop LT.... We might be the team that needs to put the rock in the air this week.
  18. Target... I wonder how long it will take Gumbel to make one of his bigoted comments about the inferior abilities of white athletes...
  19. I dunno This could get very ugly and I'm not sure I'd put down cash money just to watch the Bills get stomped. Bills fans are passionate but they are not stupid. IF this team starts winning or at least playing entertaining football with some consistency you'll see buts in seats.
  20. This team is just awful. AVP could suit up and play a better game than JPL. The OLine is terrible. They display a limited ability to run block but they have no ability to pass protect. The WRs (with the possible exception of Lee Evans) can't get open and the only thing our TEs can do consistently is commit penalties on third down. The D is improved but it's hardly dominant. Special Teams are a bright spot but it is hardly a comfort to know that the best player on the team is a punter. With all that said I cannot see how this team can win another game. Houston, Tenn, the fins and the Jets are perfectly capable of shutting down this putrid O. 3 points and a competent D is all you need to beat the Bills. Its time to burn down the barn and kill the rats. They may as well lose out and land the best OT, DT in the next draft.
  21. This is inexcusable. Bills fans are better than that. I have been to The Ralph and Foxboro / The Razor and I can tell you that if you are looking for drunk, violent thugs, Foxboro is the place to be. I lived in Boston for most of my life and I caught hell at Foxboro every year. I was hit with bottles in the parking lot and batteries in the stands. I've had beer and cups thrown at me and had more than a few scuffles with drunk townies as well. For the life of me I don't understand why people think it is OK to act that way. If the Herald really wants to document the behavior of drunken thugs they should have one of their reporters take a walk through the parking lots at the razor before and after a Pats game. The Pats are a great team but their fans are know-nothing band wagon jumpers and drunk thugs.
  22. "Oh, and as for the name, TonyRomo.com was taken, so I just chose this one. Also, that faggot stole my starting job." Now THAT'S funny.
  23. I wouldn’t call Clinton a retard. A degenerate pervert perhaps but hardly retarded.
  24. Bill Clinton is a mad Bills fan and Hillary is not fat. Clintonista Kool-Aid is a very powerful hallucinogen.
  25. Yeah OK BOTTOM LINE = The Bills lost...... A couple of things I noticed. JP played a good game. He trusted his reads and made plays when he could. This is a different QB from last year. We can run the ball and we will get better at the ground game. Our young safties need to play now. We have speed on D. This team has yet to internalize the new O and D systems. There was a bit of hesitation that cost us on D. WHEN YOU ARE THE ROAD DOG AND YOU ARE IN THE RED ZONE YOU TAKE THE POINTS. A yound team fades in the second half. A good effort in a tough loss.
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