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Jack D. Ripper

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Everything posted by Jack D. Ripper

  1. Sucks? Oh no...no, no, no.. The American History Dictionary defines 'sucks' in this context as: To be disgustingly disagreeable or offensive. Now given this definition you could say that Josh Reed SUCKS!!!! Drew Bledsoe SUCKS!!!! Mike Williams SUCKS!!!! Aaron Schobel SUCKS!!!! But Coy Wire? He has fallen well past the "Sucks" level...I mean he sucked as a rookie and if anything he has gotten worse...... We are up against the limits of language here. What we need is a new word to describe the absolutely slow footed, slow witted, incompetent, idiotic, insulting, horrible level of performance Wire has achieved. I've noticed we have a few phrase makers on this board. Can anyone take a stab at creating a word that can describe what a terrible joke of an NFL player this stiff is? Oh yeah..................bump
  2. Come on man..... We are all Bills fans. We know this game and we know our team. Nothing would make me happier than to see the Bills win on Sunday but we are here to talk football not conduct mindless cheerleading. The Pats are, IMHO, the best team in the AFC. The Bills are a just a bad football team right now. They are playing sloppy, mistake filled football. They are not ready on O and the D is not good enough to carry them. That is just the truth.....What else can I say?
  3. A two possession lead is all you need against this O. This team can't score. If we don't get points on special teams or defense we have no chance at all. I'll be there cheering my head off but all I know is what I see on the field. This is not a very good football team.
  4. Yeah, they took the tough questions.... MM is NOT going to start getting after his players on a chat board. You are going to get nothing but 'coach speak' from him. In fact, he'd be a fool to do anything else.
  5. I'd take the Pats if I was a bettin' man. Our O is not good enough to compete against the Pats. Their gameplan will be simple enough. Stuff the run, get a lead and then blitz the daylights out of Drew the rest of the way. I honestly fear for Bledsoe's health in this one. Our D will not be able to stop the Pats for long. Brady will be able to stand in the pocket and pick us apart underneath. They'll go into half time with a solid lead (10-14 points) and turn the game over to Dillon in the 2nd half. Another long Sunday....
  6. Anybody out there know a good place in the Destin Florida area to watch the game? I am surrounded by Bucs and Saints fans....yeah, it's creepy... I suppose I could sneak off to Hooters but the Frau takes a rather dim view of that course of action.
  7. Denney is the best 2nd Round pick the Bills have ever made....With the possible exception of Lonnie Johnson.."I'm open my guy blitzed!"
  8. Yep! Big Pat is a guy we need to keep. I like Schobel, he plays hard and stays on the field but Williams is a more important part of this D. Schobel gets a lot of 'effort' sacks - hustling to the QB after he has been flushed or flustered at the end of his progression - but he won't beat many NFL tackles to the edge and I have yet to see him develop an inside move. Remember how the late John Butler (peace be upon him) got us in trouble with the cap?????
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