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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Even if I accepted the utter idiocy that Hillary Clinton created the birther movement, I would say that she's smarter than the people who bought into it. L Ron Hubbard created Scientology. Tom Cruise believes that ****. Tom Cruise brainpower = Donald Trump brainpower. I'm going to go ahead and declare myself winner for today on PPP. There's never a bad day to re-watch that video. You're all welcome. Racist? Just stupid.
  2. And that is what makes him an idiot on this. And so many other topics. He's asking people to believe the utter stupidity that came out his mouth for so long has been cured in the last 4 weeks of recanting.
  3. The big difference between good and bad teams is that bad teams weather the storm. Stability breeds good teams. Imagine if the Bills had 5 years with the same coach. Every player in one system. Every new player learning from all the other players who were well versed in the system. That’s what you get in Pittsburgh, Green Bay. (I don’t count Pats since it’s just been on coach but same applies there.) Stability is what they need more than anything. Rex is not maybe the best but he’s fine, if he can also keep things stable. But no indication of that so far. And Roman’s firing had to come from above Rex, which is a bad sign of meddling ownership. I'm no Roman lover but whoever takes his place won't fix things in game 3.
  4. iphone vs. (___) phone. Who even cares. They all are about the same these days. Get what you like. IPhones are easier and have more reliable OS. Androids have more flexibility and are less expensive. Both will get you whatever you need from calls to emails to all the angry bird killing you could ever wish for.
  5. Considering how seldom the other WRs were targeted, I don't think Sammy will have much to say.
  6. I think you're underestimating how good the Ravens D line is. Their defense played tremendous. Bad news is next are the Jets.
  7. Agreed. Weld has the gravitas Johnson lacks, but no one votes for VPs.
  8. He's not a heavyweight on any topic but he has a good moral basis for his positions.
  9. "What is Aleppo?" I'm sure Trump also wouldn't know but it's a stumble for Johnson, whose struggles to get known running 3rd party are compounded by his lack of gravitas. The Libertarians have their best shot to make a mark in a long time but Johnson is a weak candidate. He'll get my vote in November but come on Libertairians: Give me a choice I could envision in the presidency next time, not my overly chatty neighbor.
  10. I didn't say it's not worth discussing. My point is that there is almost as much whining about liberal/conservative bias as issue discussion. And yes, my post is contributing to it. There are 2+ presidential candidates. There is media bias. You'll find in these threads a ton of coverage of the later and most of those discussions are posted by Captain Obvious.
  11. Why this board is so much more interested in the media than the candidates? I can hear their words, read their speeches, follow the facts. Is it that hard to filter out Fox/MSNBC bias? The Trump and Hillary threads would be 4 pages each if we deleted all the media discussion.
  12. To quote me, three can keep a secret if two are dead.
  13. The story is now "Tough Navy Seals shoot woman and unarmed man." Well done SEALS.
  14. #2 is the most insulting statement I've ever heard about me and I spent time in France. FU Booster. My license plate is "DSCVRD E-"
  15. Haha, yeah. Suck on that Adams. Finally someone calls you out as a racist you POS. Face the facts about black people John. (1) Blacks are cheap (2) Black kids should not be in good schools because they beat up white kids (3) Black thugs on buses deserve beat-downs (Agree with you Wisc. It was the best video ever) (4) Illegal immigrants beat people up (5) Blacks will kill for fried chicken (6) Blacks can't be trusted for jury duty (7) blacks will beat up people who work Go review WisconsinBillzfan's threads if you need a refresher on these. EVERY ONE OF THEM IS FACTUAL. What he's asking and white apologists like you can't ever answer is "Why is no one reporting how !@#$ed up black people are?" At least he's not afraid to say it. Now go back to apologizing for your race you turncoat.
  16. It was in another thread but it's worth pulling out of that sarcastic place and making this it's own topic. Obama started pulling away in this election about 2-3 weeks ago. This is right when the Dow started this precipitous drop. I believe there is a real fear of what President Obama will do to the market and he's nearly solely responsible for this economic collapse. I'm not saying he created Fannie/Freddie, etc. I'm just saying that he's the reason this is a panic and not just a drop.
  17. You dingleberry. It's the Republicans of the world (Thompson among the more palatable of them) running as roughshod over the Constitution as the liberals you race to condemn. The RIGHT (not the left) seeks to limit marriage (by amending the Constitution for !@#$'s sake). It also wants to pass laws RE abortion. You think these two small examples are the only examples of the Republican Party ignoring the section of the constitution you cite. Try to stay on point and keep the focus on your failings--ignoring for once the failings of the Democrats. Can you do it?
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