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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. I bow to your superior knowledge of Waterworld and the Smoker's oil tanker.
  2. A warm Mars would free up the frozen water at the ice caps and turn it into Water World. Minus an atmosphere and an aircraft carrier powered by oarsmen.
  3. Why? Because the Bills are only a player or 2 from the Superbowl? The Bills have lots of needs.
  4. Bills have plenty of needs that will be met at 12. No need to move.
  5. I demand a count. What was longer: this debate or the Donahue is Satan-Drinks Baby Blood thread.
  6. What about your Michael Turner "source"? Flip. Flop.
  7. You have to skim the entire article but it sounds like a lot of teams were interested in Dockery as their first choice. Well done by the Bills. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...&id=2786311
  8. Remember the Doom and Gloom after Whitner? Right. Who to believe. Scouts Inc. and Jauron or a couple posters? 5 mil a year in this year's FA market will not be all that much money. I'll give him a chance.
  9. Here is Scouts Inc's read. Sounds like he's an underacheiver--McNally et al. will have to work to get him to be the stud it sounds like he can be.
  10. Didn't the Bills have 26 million in cap space? Seems like there is still a sizable amount of cash left. At least fora couple middle range FAs. Maybe a backup RB who could start or a linebacker.
  11. My favorite plays were when RJ would turn to pitch it right with guards pulling and Henry would be heading left. No thanks to Travis.
  12. Right. Unions are to blame for all our ills. One consolation I have is that you're breeding yourself out of existence right?
  13. Think about that on Saturday. Or Sunday. When you are not working. THANKS TO the STUPID UNIONS.
  14. Yes, pull the "I'm mysteriously superior" to you card. Very nice. Stop at exit 0 and marry your partner; I hear Cape May is friendly to your type.
  15. Didn't take long for the PC police to arrive. Where's your list of acceptable words Mr. Thought Police? Go have a quickie with Hillary Clinton and Osama Barrack and let me know what your great meeting decides. Even liberals are ashamed to call you one of them.
  16. Think what you will: it's well known that Japanese companies hire orientals more than others. Why do you think they are so anti-Union?
  17. http://money.cnn.com/2007/02/27/news/compa...=rss_topstories Can't the governemnt do something to stop this? Americans need jobs. Not Japs.
  18. Sure, burst my bubble. Next your going to tell me that just because a few billion people have never come back to life, that's not proof that it CAN'T happen. And Meazza, you can get DNA from bone samples. Setting aside Jurassic Park science, there have been discoveries of almost wholly intact DNA samples in decomposed animals older than Jesus.
  19. You choose to disbelieve science at your own risk Luddite. When was the last time Jesus warmed your dinner? Cameron is doing people a service; obviously zealots like you will continue to believe in a resurrection despite scientific proof to the contrary. As always, you retain your right to be ignorant. Exercise it at your risk.
  20. It's about time someone laid out some cold hard facts showing how the resurrection couldn't have happened. Time for all the JC believers to engage in deep introspection or say that DNA evidence is faked. Sorry Christians, this isn't the OJ trial--Cameron is not the bungling LAPD. Be fun to see the reaction on this board.
  21. I'm not a fan but I heard some people talking about it. So I guess it's really taken him a long time to get over his "true love" Anna Nicole's death. What a prick. I'm sure he's just putting the baby's needs first. This is why pop culture shouldn't be reported. It's infuriating to hear what this !@#$s do.
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