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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. We have bought 4 Toyotas from a big suburban Philly dealership in the last 20+ years. We still have one and I took it over for routine stuff the other day. The lot was empty and had 5 cars on it, probably all just waiting for pickup. None in the showroom. It's crazy. The Toyotas have been amazing for reliability but man do they bore the ***** out of me for driving. Can't they make one car that is interesting?
  2. The underlined is correct. The measure is excess deaths, which are still happening. I'm anti-mandates but we are still technically in the pandemic. Getting closer to dropping under the threshold but still well above. The chart to watch is here to judge when we are back to the old baseline of deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm With that correction, now I'm out for a bit!
  3. BillsFanNC broke up a potential sixshitter. Time to improve the place a bit. Been fun dropping by.
  4. Do you doubt that it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated? Take a look at the bottom line.
  5. My diesel arrives in a 6-8 weeks. Shocking to live in a world where I had to order a vehicle and wait 5 months for it. Not a problem for me, but just strange.
  6. "US Consulate in Erbil attacked" Your words not mine.
  7. Define young. I bought my first (and so far only) house at age 27. Pretty average for my friend group. No one helped me with the down payment and it needed a lot of work that in the first round of repairs over 5 years, we did ourselves or with help from some friends who we paid back helping them. In my experience, most young people today want a new maintenance free home and those cost about 2x to 3x what an older "starter home" might cost. Yes inflation sucks but so do expectations.
  8. Realization? Uhh, no. Just a reminder. America = fat.
  9. Considering that 4 days ago, Kevin McCarthy said he'd restore MTG to her committee seats if the Reps win, you sir are 100% wrong. As usual.
  10. This is the time when you come back and say, "Sorry, I should have waited before posting bad information."
  11. Why did Americans die at such a high rate of Covid? We fat! "Across 168 countries for which data were available, higher obesity prevalence was associated with increased COVID-19 mortality and prevalence rates. For every 1% increase in obesity prevalence, the mortality rate was increased by 8.3% (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1.083, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.048-1.119; P < 0.001) and the case rate was higher by 6.6% (IRR 1.066, 95% CI 1.035-1.099; P < 0.001). " https://dom-pubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dom.14523 'Merica, at the top of the civilized world in diabetes and Covid.
  12. Tokyo Rose Tucker now trending in China too. Boatdrinks’s hero.
  13. I am sure you’re as defensive about Rachel Maddow. Try being American and not partisan. Tokyo Rose Tucker is a corporate figurehead for Hate Inc. Keep buying the product if you want. And perhaps also not true.
  14. He was good because of Allen. It’s no mistake that Diggs, Foster, Beasley, Brown all had career years with Josh. Knox and Davis have only played with Josh but they are likely in this club too.
  15. Imagine a president giving a speech like this. Never mind. Not possible. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/address-the-sorbonne-paris-france-citizenship-republic
  16. Well, Tokyo Rose Tucker is featured on Russian TV almost daily right now. Hard to think of him as something other than the tool he is. see above. Tokyo Rose Tucker is a mouthpiece for Russia right now.
  17. I remember liking Tokyo Tucker back when he was sane.
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