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John Adams

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Everything posted by John Adams

  1. Add to that: The Bills were fighting for their playoff lives late last season. Bills are better but so is everyone else in the AFC and the odds the Bills go 6-0 in the division are low.
  2. I saw this and came to share this as well. I'd love to hit Hill on 5 yard ins that he turns into 15 every third time. McDaniel has already said he loves the underneath game and it's going to be a staple of the offense.
  3. I'd feel better about this if every other team in the AFC didn't already leap forward.
  4. There's a resident pedophile in residence at the other site. Ask him.
  5. I believe that only one person here is suggesting we get involved militarily in this. And he's a boob.
  6. "She has a Catholic Agenda for America and she is there to put it in place - in front of the constitution. "
  7. You're still a moran. Just because you keep hope of a conspiracy alive doesn't mean it's real.
  8. You're a moran. President picks. Senate advises and consents.* You can decide not to like her but she gets the job because she's eminently qualified, no quotes. Oh, and Roe and Casey are terrible decisions. Abortion should be legal and it should be legislatively decided as such, probably at a state level and if at a federal level, then by Congress. Not too many legal scholars will tell you Roe is well decided. It was a court bending over backwards to legislate. Casey is an inch better. *Except when McConnell says Constitution Shmonstitution.
  9. Same. We are leaving and never coming back.* *Until we come back.
  10. The hearings are fine. Often stupid (pandering if questioner the same party as president, pontificating if not). But the vote, if these shrews had spines and took their oaths seriously, should be lopsided in favor of judges who are qualified.
  11. Barrett was highly qualified. Should have been unanimous. Jackson is highly qualified. Should be unanimous. But people need to march in lock step with party.
  12. Of course! But that doesn't mean we ban them. Let's figure out a way to include them, (trans boys and girls BTW) as best we can. That may be more challening in some sports than others but let's have a dialog about how to get there instead of blanket legislative bans. See above. This is a topic with will come up with more regularity with the passage of time. The kids are being banned from sport. Im saying let's have a discussion about how to include trans kids that doesn't start with blanket bans. And that the bans are in many ways fueled by hate doesn't help. Nor does it help that the left refuses to recognize the biological unfairness that trans women have over cis-women. It's a topic with more nuance than a Tweet can address.
  13. Or, crazy thought, we come up with a way to include trans athletes and don't ban them? Starting from "bans" of children does not often end well.
  14. Did we all forget about Ike Boettger? Bates only started because he got hurt and he's still under contract. I know he's hurt but he was also playing well when he went down. Whatever the answer is, it's not likely Ford though the contract year can be a motivator.
  15. In the context of isolating and restricting ever-growing numbers of trans children, no. Cox is right to say this stuff is tapping into the hate vein. With this an ever-growing population, maybe we don't start with banning trans kids but we start with a dialogue to figure out a way to a solution. It's fair for cis-girls to feel like this is unfair. And it's also OK to say that banning trans girls leads to higher suicide rates and less compassion for them. Let's talk about how to make this all work. I DO NOT have the solutions but starting from "ban them" may not be the best approach, especially here at the beginning of what is going to be a changing time on gender identity.
  16. I wonder what Rs can hear this with compassion. Gov Cox will likely be overridden here but his stand deserves hearing.
  17. You are an idiot to think the fed govt is protecting private companies from hacking, except in some minimal way. And you’re a bigger idiot to provide as “proof” of that a list of state bills summarized thus: A task force in Idaho. I feel safer already.
  18. You think that legislation is the federal government ensuring that private companies don't get hacked in 2022? I know you're old and can't understand the cyber but I wonder if you even read your link.
  19. Clown post #2. Last I checked, Tucker is on every night and he retains the freedom to help Russia as much as he wants. No argument from me. Obama was a bad executive. Better than Trump and Biden but they set low bars.
  20. Clown post. Tucker is running on Russian TV because he can't stop saying things that are helpful to Russia. And you're right on one thing. This guy and the last guy could not stop Putin from invading Ukraine.
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