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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. Haven't seen anyone talk about EJ inactive. Quite a move there
  2. One thing that I thought was a real misfire for the totally decayed sewer zombies was that they had eyeballs
  3. His wedding ring gets wet and makes it harder to grip the ball. He went to Harvard BTW
  4. Sounds like at one point he's saying he couldn't understand what the call/adjustment someone made was - that they need to take their mouthpiece out or something. Maybe that's the solution to the communication issues on defense....
  5. Didn't really love this episode. Am now convinced they will drag out the Glenn thing now, and the last scene of the last episode of this season will be a shot of the back of Glenn's head, with someone exclaiming "Glenn!" - but you won't know if he is alive or a walker
  6. And yet the defense is still so frustrating to watch. Coming off the bye there was hope that something would be done on the coaching end to change/ simplify schemes and let players make plays, or on the players end to grasp the D and play with fire without hesitating or thinking or making mistakes. Neither seems to have happened
  7. Ha. All my players were on bye so I played both shady and Karlos today
  8. Only chance is to take out the train whistle guy
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