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Everything posted by stevewin

  1. I took it more as being purposely vague to not highlight and not give any more legs/credence to the specific 'issue'
  2. It's a little crazy the league has let them continue to get away with it after all the very public bad optics the first game. Not sure if there is some process for a team to notify the league about something illegal their next opponent does to look out for - and for the league to caution that team they will be calling it. In that case it's simple - before the game you tell Reid we are going to be looking that your OL is lined up correctly. If the aren't the first play from scrimmage you throw the flag - then the precedent for how you are going to call it is set. If they don't adjust just keep throwing flags until they do. Of all the things to enforce, lining up properly should be the most unambiguous and easiest to enforce. Makes no sense
  3. Pretty sure the context of Rex's comments was that sometimes for OL/DL you'd get a warning between plays for non-egregious issues - your tackle needs to move up a bit more, your DT is crowding the ball - that you would then tell the player to correct for subsequent plays. And he stated multiple times that never happened for a receiver for the entire duration of his coaching career. The mechanism for the receiver to be warned is to proactively check with the ref on the LOS. This whole narrative Reid/Mahomes are trying to create that refs proactively warn receivers isn't a thing.
  4. A friend txted me the same thing this AM and my response was the Cheater-era Patriots never had a controversial call that didn't go their way (only half kidding) It would be glorious if this situation with Reid/Mahomes so publically having tantrums to try to embarrass the refs will in any way affect the refs deciding maybe they won't be quite as generous to Patrick/Chiefs in the future - esp if some of the shine is coming off the golden boy/franchise. A man can dream anyway
  5. It's so crazy that one of the things he went off on is that Kelce made such a cool play that now might not be part of the highlight reel for his HOF career - like that was justification to not call it. Forget also the actual reality/logistics that the flag is thrown at the start of the play, so in this case the refs are supposed to gather after the play, discuss, then get on the PA "After further discussion there is no flag on the play because "Cool Play Bro!" - so bizarre And then he actually says this - which is exactly the point - even elementary school players know to check with the ref. Toney did not do this. Him and Reid doubling down on offside is never called, and players get warnings - you only get a warning if you check first. All they are doing is furthering the case that their player screwed up. The reason it is called so infrequently is because almost all the time the receiver lines up properly to begin with or checks with the official. I think generally Mahomes has been a decent guy, but this whole episode really puts him in a different light of someone who has enjoed the benefits of things going his way for most of his career, and now when some things don't go his way he becomes unhinged and starts blaming everyone else. Not a great look
  6. The trash titans and their meat head coach could really do us some favors winning some of their remaining games but I'm not counting on it because they are a trash team with a meat head coach
  7. It doesn't matter - since the refs tragically called a penalty, for all intents and purposes the play never happened so the football world, nay - all the world, has been forever denied of its greatness
  8. Dallas won't be mad after a loss so this means we might have a chance!
  9. It was also delicious to see Kelce become unhinged at the beginning of the game when they had the audacity to actually call him for PI - how can this be happenning this is not allowed do you know who I am! lol
  10. The crazy thing on that series was after the amazing Murray catch was ruled complete to get the first down - the subsequent cluster resulted in us eventually punting from I think further back than if it was originally ruled not a catch and we punted then
  11. Yep - if it was us the narrative would be 'team is undisciplined and poorly coached', and 'refs don't decide games - be better and not let it come down to that play'
  12. Can you imagine if he'd been through some of the ringers Josh has - he'd be in a psychiatric ward by now lol
  13. Guess we know what you will be doing for each of the rest of the games. Thanks in advance!
  14. I fel the media narrative will be he is a fiery competitor doing everything right but getting let down by teammates. Meanwhile if it was Josh it would be a feeding frenzy that he is unhinged and not mentally capable of being a winner
  15. Incredible All is right with the world - my son and I hugged, having a post-game beer, and we decided we are so spent we're just going to watch a movie and maybe catch the Dallas game later 😛
  16. Was just thinking that - such a great play - and Kelce sold it so perfectly. You don't need to wait until deperation time - great play any time of a game
  17. Is 4th and 15 going to be the next Bills loss to live in infamy
  18. 1) KICK THE BALL OUT OF THE EZ 2) Try to give up less than 20 yards on 1st down
  19. Who was clenching when they saw the long touch pass leave Josh's hand
  20. Snap it before NY tries to change their mind
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