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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. He's soft. I really don't like the player and wouldn't pay him long-term. Too inconsistent in coverage and hates tackling. Don't want players like that on my roster. Franchise and trade him.
  2. Played well. Strategy was sound, too. Moving pockets, max protect, return of the fullback. Lynn is on a real roll.
  3. He's similar to Kiko in terms of playing style. But he's better.
  4. If you really can't enjoy this win, there is darkness in your soul.
  5. He was hardly a "pass rush" machine IIRC, he had very few sacks at Wake and that was one of the big red flags on him...
  6. I would devise FOUR defensive gameplans for this week, one for each quarter, to counter the Patriots' patented in-game adjustments. And for the first Q, I'd load up the box to stop the run and short passes and force their injured QBs to push the ball downfield.
  7. And yet they're getting gashed in the running game. Maybe he shouldn't be having to make so many tackles...
  8. So this really is Crayonz? Has that been confirmed? I won't believe it until 26CB posts a link.
  9. No - he's talking about the seam route where Clay is bracketed. I agree that Clay should've broken it upfield into open space, regardless of what was called. He beat the double coverage but then turned back into it for no discernible reason.
  10. LOL "life's mission." Rex is making his own bed (I supported the hire vocally, and now I don't). And IMO you used to be a more balanced and substantive in your posts. Now you come across at times like a defensive homer.
  11. It was nice. They took entire drives off though, I didn't love that.
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