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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. Un petit coucou de Cannes Est tu déjà allé voir un match à Buffalo ?
  2. they were what ? 28-7 ? Can they blow it ? Offense is ugly right now... no inspiration.
  3. so we have a patern with this officiating crew. Either they are bad, or they are paid.
  4. Who cares anyway ? For Buffalo an ennemy QB who still has the ball in hands after the pump is not called a fumble. For Baltimore the tuck rule does not apply, even in a very more questionable one. Go figure
  5. The refs blew it. The defense blew it too. But, how in earth do we talk of bad calls in this sport, which have 7 ( SEVEN ) officials PLUS video reviewing ? That's insane. Every week, there are bad calls, or questionnable. Either the refs crew is choosen randomly in population, or they're something under.
  6. For me, it seems that every time the refs had the opportunity to change the outcome, they did. It's not against the Bills. it isn't against a particulary team. I just think that from games to games, bucks are given by Vegas men to refs team to change as much as they can the outcame of the game in favor of the big ass dollar man. Is it somehow possible to know the betters for this game, I mean those who have bet big bucks on Bengals.
  7. shaved on saturday ; got a crappy stream for the 1st time.
  8. nobody cares but I have a ****ty stream. Got worse after 2nd quarter ; can't see anything, barelly heard some kind of shattered radio. On top of that BS refs
  9. that is the changing call that affected the outcome of the game.
  10. From the point of view I wanted to make, I think it has a little disgressed, at start I just wanted to point that the last time I saw in Buffalo a go for it that earlier in the game was (possibly) in the Flutie/Wade Phillips era. I see Jauron/mularkey punting, and Lostman, Bledsoe running for a loss or a 2 yard gain or an out of bounds throw. An interesting thing too : - Pats game, 1st quarter, trailing 14, 4 and 14 at NE 35, they go for it. - Raiders game, 2nd(?) quarter, trailing 14, 4th and 1 at OAK 15 (?), they kick it. Where is the decision differance ? I think of multiple factors. - Raiders game. may be they estimated at that distance, a FG is a 90-95% sure thing, and converting a 4th and 1 at the current momemtum was a 50% ? 40% ? I'm not sure too the Raiders were converting every drive to a score. - Pats game. Trailing 14 ; if I remember well they were just scoring at will. Kicking a 52 yarder is a 50/50 (40/60) ? Going for it 4th and 14 is what ? a 40% converting ? I just think it was a momentum thing. Missing the FG would have iced the fighting spirit. just my 2 cents.
  11. From the NE35, how long is the kick ? is it a 52 yarder ? How are the odds for Lindell at that distance ? (it's a true question)
  12. in the Pats game. I don't remember exactly when it was, but for sure it was in 1st quarter. Trailing 14, 4th and 14 (18?) at NE 40 (35?), they go for it, Fitz throws long and is intercepted. For me the message was "I don't care of my stats, I just want to win by any means". He could have throw it out of bounds. I just think it was a (yes) smart throw by forcing it. The worst thing that could happen is an int (ok the very worst could be a pick for 6), but even in this case the ball goes back to NE at a further position on the field. I've seen too a teamate putting a tap on his shoulder after that. They knew he was doing his best for a win. A thought about that ? (and please don't start the grammar flamming, english is not my native language)
  13. that 's a concern if you want the Bills win the Super bowl this year. I want it too, as every year. But ! Rome has not been built in one day. So far it seems the Run def is good, and offense is beyond any expectations I had for this year. Just enjoy the ride !
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