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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. The NFL needs to ban yellow shoes and tape. I keep thinking flags are being thrown.
  2. NFL Script leak: KC wins SB, Kelce retires and marries Taylor on the field.
  3. The secret to the Chiefs pass defense is committing interference and not getting flagged.
  4. When is OJ gonna be a legend of the game for us? I mean, Ray Lewis...
  5. You do know other teams are hiring coaches right now. Do you expect Brady or Babich to wait around until the Bills decide?
  6. There go them Bills, trying to show up Chiefs on their big day.
  7. Allen used to have games like that, and we didn't win some of them. The real test of a player is if they can still run up number like that after other NFL DC's figure out what you are doing.
  8. Are the Bills obligated to live stream construction? Was it in the contract?
  9. Would you rather see KC win it all knowing the Bills took them to the wire, or would prefer seeing the Chiefs get boat raced by the Ravens?
  10. That's us. Content with going 6-6 then winning 6 in a row to reach the divisional round. Yup. Aim low.
  11. I think it depends on who is available when we are up. I sincerely doubt we trade up but that could happen I guess. Mainly because we have so many needs.
  12. Ty Dunne knows where his bread is buttered: appealing to frustrated fans by telling them what they want to hear, that someone must pay for not getting them the candy they were promised.
  13. That's exactly what I meant. Rolling the dice on expensive veterans. How many times do we read posts here about going "all in" or " swing for the fences"? People fall in love with the idea of getting a superstar but ignore the real pitfalls like injury or a drop-off in performance because they are over 30. I feel chasing performance is a losing strategy. By that I mean signing someone who had a good year or two, betting they will continue to be that good with your team. I'd rather see us find the emerging gems on their way up. Can you scout for those players or is it all a crap shoot? Might be, but you'll be able to move on from those players easier if they don't work out.
  14. He'll win 3 Super Bowls with his new team...under Sean McDermott.
  15. I think we need to stop going "all in" on big names and build with younger players
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