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Hollywood Donahoe

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Everything posted by Hollywood Donahoe

  1. The defense is bad BECAUSE he and his countless offensive weapons take up all the salary cap space.
  2. According to Miguel, Seymour has the 5th highest cap hit on the team. Among non-kickers, 10 of our 12 highest cap hits belong to defenders (11 if you want to count Troy Brown ).
  3. Pats spend a great deal on defense (probably considerably more than on their offense). Ty Law - HUGE contract Rosevelt Colvin - big contract Rodney Harrison - good-sized contract Willie McGinest - large cap cost Ted Johnson - large cap cost Richard Seymour - Top 10 contract Ty Warren - 1st round money Vince Wilfork - 1st round money Mike Vrabel - recently extended, big cap cost in future years Brady and Light are the only big-money guys on the offense. Pats are probably the opposite of the Colts in that they spend way more on their defense than on offense. Only difference is that the Pats offense plays very well depite having little money thrown at it.
  4. Enough with blaming Peyton's defense. Because of his enormous contract, as well as the enormous contracts of his never-ending supply of outstanding offenseive weapons, the Colts simply don't have money to spend on defense. It is his fault that the defense is the way it is, and he should be expected to overcome it. We shall see if he ever manages to.
  5. This is the salary cap era. It's win now, or get fired. Two to three years?! NO ONE has that long anymore. One year at most.
  6. That's true of many WRs Favre has had over the years, but not Walker. If anything, Favre's success throwing to Walker is merely the extension of Walker's height. I really can't bring myself to credit a QB when he lauches an underthrown jump ball to a double-covered receiver and is only bailed out because his receiver does all the work.
  7. There's a reason Minnesota can run the ball down teams' throats no matter who's in at RB. Thier OL is awesome, including McKinnie.
  8. I really find that shocking. If there was any time to start him, it was at home against a Rams team with a horrid defense that sucks on the road. Weird.
  9. This look? http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/...iots_fbo113.jpg I know it well. Fear not, it looks as if you won't be seeing it for much longer.
  10. Look, I can understand being confident, since you team has played better of late. I can even understand saying "we've got a decent shot a win and we should definitely keep it close." But the sheer amount of posts that are all but guaranteeing a Bills win is simply shocking. You have won three games, all at home, two against the worst teams in football, and the other against a slumping Jets team. This week, you are on the road, where your record over the two years or so is HORRID. You are playing in the building of a team that has a 16 GAME WINNING STREAK at home. And oh yeah, that team has a 4 game lead on you, beat you by 14 in your own house, and is one of the three best teams in football. Knowing all that, I'M not even going to guarantee a Pats win. I expect them to win, certainly, because the circumstances favor them enormously, but I'm not going to go to the lengths of certain posters here. It's ridiculous.
  11. Are you surprised? I trust you've seen this guy's posts on the politics board, and they're just like this one. A lot of big talk based solely on willful ignorance.
  12. He was listed as questionable on Wednesday's injury report, and then he practiced in full pads on Friday. Sounds like he's got a decent shot to play this week, and is likely a definite for Kansas City.
  13. You're a little off on your info. Only two CBs (Law and Poole) will be out on Sunday, and Branch is no longer a definitie scrath, as he practiced in pads on Friday. As for this thread, the Pats have won 16 in a row at home, and the Bills have lost 5 in a row on the road. You do the math.
  14. Ashcroft runs the Justice Department and has nothing to do with the FCC.
  15. I'd also just like to add that during last year, the Pats got absolutely SCREWED by the refs frequently. The two blatant ones that spring to mind are: - In Denver on Monday night, there's a bad Koppen/Brady exchange on a snap, and the ball is loose. The refs IMMEDIATELY signal Denver ball, without even checking to see who's got it. Brady comes out of the pile with the ball, and a replay after the ad break shows him clearly falling on the ball and maintaining full control over it. Brady reveals the next day that the ref admitted to him that they screwed up. and: - In Miami, the game is in overtime. Feidler throws it deep to Derrius Thompson who, while looking up for the ball, steps out of bounds, and then steps out of bounds AGAIN while coming down from catching the ball. This was so obvious that it should've been spotted on the field, but the ref controlling replay in the booth didn't do anything about it either. It's worth noting that while both of these obvious screwjobs could've easily cost the Pats the game, they overcame the bad calls and won. That's what good teams do. I guess the bad teams just whine about them.
  16. What about it? If the ball touches a player who's out of bounds, the ball's out of bounds. Makes sense ot me.
  17. I've been a Pats fan (and football fan) all my life, and I know that the Pats (like all teams) have bad calls go for them and against them every game. Only fans looking for excuses for their team's losing ways turn to blaming the refs.
  18. So will I, since you make a habit of contantly whining about the officials whenever it suits your agenda.
  19. I have to admit, I'm secretly looking forward to all that too. And before you all go and call me overconfident, just remember that you have to go back to 2003 to find a road game the Bills won, and you have to go back to 2002 to find a home game the Pats lost.
  20. Anakin receives his injuries from his duel with Obi-Wan, not a shipwreck. And the fiery starship seen in the trailer is from early in the film (after the reportedly AWESOME opening space battle). (EDIT: Sorry to sound like a know-it-all, but the entire plot leaked last October, so I'm as spoiled as you can get.)
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