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Everything posted by pkwwjd

  1. Except he began to lose the use of his legs while pursuing the lead of the island. I don't see it fitting.
  2. If Locke/Boone = Abraham/Isaac, then the writers missed big time. Abraham never causes harm on Isaac in the Genesis account. He is willing, but never hurts him.
  3. My wife & I thought that he would be paralyzed by the operation. Locke mentions that his back is shaved ... they take out kidneys now from the front, we thought it was going to be an operation mistake. But, we missed that ....
  4. I'm guessing gettting cut after 3 years of a 7 year/$50 Million contract would still net him a lot more than what he has netted in his current contract. Sure, there is less stability, but if we're talking purely about cash, big deals have more guaranteed money in them. Period.
  5. The mind boggling thing that caught my eye was the salary that Brusci is set to earn: $850K for the heart and soul of their defense, and possibly their team? That's a better deal than THen would have been, even if WM never set foot on the field. Just watch the Patsie force him to retire to get out of paying that next to nothing amount, instead of placing him on PUP and giving him a thank you for this year.
  6. oh yeah, I'll take TH's word on whether or not there is a viable trade on the table. THen has truly proven to me that he is trustworthy, forthright and honest. /sarcasm off
  7. Not to jump into the discussion about terrorism, but .... I have bought a ticket to ride in a small aircraft of this nature. I would have been upset if the dude sitting next to me (my grandfather) had decided that he wanted to make a statement by holding a gun to the pilot's head and crashing the plane. BTW, there is no screening/security process for small craft.
  8. Great, ... just what we need, ... a pro-choice Republican presidential candidate
  9. My wife and I pegged her at around 45 years old, only to have the announcers say that she was 30!!
  10. if she's good enough, sure. It's not like women's golf where the tees are closer to the hole.
  11. The problem with everyone weighing in on this in terms of saying that we're keeping her alive is this: a feeding tube is NOT extraordinary means to keep someone alive. I hope you have more loving spouses when you have to undergo surgery some day. What she receives is equivalent to the saline drip that you receive after surgery for a couple days until your stomach is ready to receive food -- except that includes more nurtrients than your drip. How'd you like to be disallowed the drip after surgery because your wife/husband says that you didn't want to use extraordinary means to extend your life? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  12. This seems to come pretty close to Johnny Playfair's dead grandma on Survivor for premeditated strategy -- not fair, not honest, but quite a strategy
  13. What I have been wanting to change in the replay area in regards to the fumble is: If a fumble is recovered before the whistle sounds, it can change possession. So many times that a ref blows a play dead is the whistle coming a second or two after the "tackle". Allowing the players to recover a loose ball in the split seconds therein would provide for a more accurate call. They cannot be talking about continuing play after a whistle. That would be ridiculous. For example, Nate Clements tackles David Givens after Givens catches the ball. As Givens is falling to the ground, NC knocks the ball out just before Givens hits the ground. The ball takes a fortuitous bounce off the ground directly into NC's hands as they both land. Unfortunately, the back judge was on the wrong side of the action and raises his whistle and blows the play dead. In 2004, the ball is a catch and stays in possession of the Paytoilets. Our only replay recourse is to review, hoping that there was no possession with a football move to indicate an incomplete pass. Hopefully, in 2005, the replay can look and see that NC stripped the ball and recovered before the 80 year old back judge could get enough wind to blow the whistle. Really, this is common sense, if the fumble is caused and recovered before the whistle, it is a fumble -- regardless of what the ref was intending by blowing the whistle.
  14. The man has little real knowledge of the game. Sorry, as great as Jim Brown may have been, the greatest lax player of the 20th century was probably Jim Thorpe. Yeah, the same Jim Thorpe that put the NFL on the map. Seems as though he had time to do both, maybe Jim Brown wasn't quite as good as advertized (just giving him a hard time). This writer is probably someone who wants co-ed football, with no tackling. Lax is poised to take hockey's place, if the NHL can't get its act together. They have been poised for a couple of years, and they are beginning to get the notariety to make it happen. I was personally hoping that it was the NBA that tanked due to labor disputes and stupid, hooligan players, but the NHL may do it first. We'll see. Here's to hoping that there is room for a fifth major sport, trusting that hockey makes it back. That is, unless the NBA would like to back out of the national spotlight and keep it at four major sports ...
  15. Does Rudy post under two different names now?
  16. I have a friend who works at Skywalker Ranch for ILM. He is one of the main artists that does the concept work for Lucas on the SW films. There is a book coming out in April called Visionaries that are the main eight artist doing some concept work that fills in background on the whole SW universe. Anyway, Alex was the supervisor for all of Yoda's CG artwork in EP II. While I know some people weren't impressed with the whirling dervish yoda in his fight with Dooku (that is the story that Lucas wanted), the seemlessness of the animation was some of the best we have ever seen. This time around, Alex was one of the main supervisors on the opening space battle, which is supposed to be the grandest space sequence ever filmed.
  17. Hey Steve, can you do the robot, that would be the bomb!
  18. Labs are AWESOME -- had one from puppy 'til death Now we have a StBernard -- our St. is even better than the lab was. The best part is that they don't eat anymore than the lab because she is less active during indoor time. When we take her out, she's just as active, but then she crashes inside. Use her for a TV pillow, etc. And we can't roughhouse with the kids like we used to. She won't allow it!
  19. I hear Tice has some SB tix you can buy for just a couple extra dollars over ...
  20. I've been giving since I was eligible. I'm now almost 33 and I'm really close to closing out gallon #5. I think three pints -- although I'm giving thought to the apheristic (sp?) donation where they take double the normal volume of just the red blood cells and return the plasma, whites, and platletes. You get double value on your card for that, but can only do it every 112 days instead of 56.
  21. As I recall, he ran for 200 yards, BUT WE STILL WON -- THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT.
  22. Is this not an OT post? ah, the insane cyclical nature of such an idea of posting an OT thread aimed at removing OT threads ...
  23. If I lived in the Buffalo area (not 3 hours south) and / or wasn't a pastor, I would be there. The Bills are the only value left in the NFL -- ticket price value, I mean.
  24. The Bills don't have to mend ways with TH, TH has to mend ways with the Bills
  25. Do you hear what you just said? ANY running back is available ... Travis is not even available ... even if given permission One of the keys to knowing if you're on a crusade is when you start making contradictory statements to cover your other statements.
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