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Everything posted by pkwwjd

  1. as a youth pastor who constantly battles on the front lines between coolness and appropriateness -- this is an unenforceable, knee jerk reaction to inappropriate wear. Immodesty in dress is not about fashion, it's about innocence and decency. The way to fix it, though, is not through legislation. If they do this law, they'll need to pass laws against cleavage and all sorts of other "jiggly things" that hang out. In fact, there is no way to force a change. In my area, teens are starting to get fed up themselves with the revealing attire. A change won't happen until the people themselves begin to change.
  2. I saw the player back there too, and thought that the announcers messed up yet again. Kinda like saying that Eugene Wilson probably had a shoulder injury when he did exactly the same thing that Milloy did in preseason -- wrapping his forearm around a leg while trying to trip up a player. Did anyone Tivo it and replay it -- not quite a Krumrie, but got close.
  3. If anyone else noticed, there was no indication that they were American soldiers -- no name plates above the chest pocket, no flags, stripes, or anything else on their sleeves. Why? I think they just wanted the play in any country that had sent troops. Talk about a capitalistic move But still a very classy ad. The military deserves so much appreciation.
  4. I don't want to join the conspiracy theory part, cuz I think the Eagles never were that good, but ... a transcontinental flight by pigs would land in NY or LA -- a transatlantic flight might land in London
  5. I agree about violence, but just because we show one doesn't OK everything else. All that garbage shows the inadequacy of the entertainment. It truly becomes amusing in the literal sense -- amusing meaning "without thought."
  6. When will people learn it has nothing to do with fear. The use of profanity only shows the ignorance or stupidity of the speaker. It bugs me that people use words just as filler. Say what you mean, not the first empty word that comes to your feeble little mind.
  7. I got 4, and it told me I need to watch more TV -- can that be true!
  8. My first on the easy one was Missouri -- that's tough to start with, still got a 96%
  9. 74%, 42 miles, 218 on the tough one
  10. Actually, I thought this post was gonna say that we never recovered from Kent Hull's retirement. He may be the smartest man to don a Bills uni. Kelly made the KGun go, but Hull made it happen -- with Hull, the KGun never works.
  11. I remember getting chewed out for not putting the baggies on my feet. Also I had the monster plastic mittens that went over top of my wool mittens and zipped up to the elbow
  12. at the risk of banishing this thread to the PPP, I feel compelled to say that if this was an endorsement of any variety of Evangelical conservative Christianity, we wouldn't be reading about it a year and a half later. There would have been a substantial public outcry before the speech was over. as MadCap said, this is nothing more than self-help mysticism disguised as religion.
  13. Again, I don't think that is cheating. If Pitt in real life thought that Randel El could make the play, they would use him. Cheating is using the computer/game system to enter advantages for your side. It does not have anything to do with play calling or personnel. JMHO
  14. I wish you could onsides kick subtlely. I can't seem to control a kick well enough to onsides it from a standard set up. That has become very common in the NFL today -- catching the opponent off guard.
  15. why is using your FG block team to block a punt cheese? there are instances when the punt return team puts everyone on the line with no one back -- not often, but it happens in real life.
  16. as Tice replied when asked about trading one of his backs (of which there are four serviceable on his roster: Mwelde Moore, Moe Williams, Michael Bennett, and Onterrio Smith) something to the effect of: if they were all physically and SOCIALLY healthy, he would consider trading But, Tice is a moron, so he may just want another socially/physically unhealthy back to throw into the rotation
  17. Yeah, like Joe Namath Namath Career Stats Highest passer rating: 74.3 75-89-4 record in 12 years (NYJ record, not his starting record) Yeah, gotta be a winner to be a HOF QB
  18. the fact that the Giants only had 2 down linemen might have had something to do with it.
  19. Run the Ball. Therm was awesome on January 27, 1991
  20. Maybe you replied to my comment as a random choice, but I never threw around the idea of the "greatest of all time" or anything like that. Wagner's Ring series (opera) was not the best of all time, so that is not what I compared it to. The connection I made between the Ring series and LOTR was the volume of the work compared to others in its genre and the artistry -- the sheer volume enhances the artistry because of the amount of work thrown into a project of that magnitude, pluse the artistry would be great even if it was a 90 minute Disney channel movie. You are right though, I have not seen every movie. I also have not seen every opera. But the comparision I drew still stands.
  21. LOTR is to film, what Wagner's Ring series was to opera ... Except no one wants to watch an 18 hour opera -- I tried once, made it through about 14 hours. Even music enthusiasts have a tough time. But still, the volume and artistry of the work has never been equaled.
  22. We should have drafted him? Only in hindsight. Let me ask how many of us were ready for another Michigan QB? Anyone? Anyone? A successful U of M QB really flies in the face of conventional wisdom in this league -- especially one with such a quality arm.
  23. I think it's just a matter of what everyone is used to -- going letterboxed is tough, we all grew up watching a 4:3 ratio screen. Besides I bought a X" screen TV and I want my movie to fill it up. Really, when it comes down to it, what convinced me for letterbox is: You have a choice to hack off one thing or another 1. Two black, empty rectangles at the top and bottom of the screen (therefore missing no part of the movie) 2. Up to 1/4 of the screen which contains cinematography that the director decided was important to the feel of the movie It's a lot easier to make the change when you look at it that way. Some movies are impossible to even picture with a full screen cut. Gibson's "Passion" probably loses a lot of impact going full screen.
  24. I used to have a tape of when the Sabs came back to beat Boston 7-6, after trailing 6-1. They played all the goals consecutively on WGR the next morning. I forget the year, but I believe it was Andreychuck's rookie year. "Andreychuck, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave Andreychuck!"
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