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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Got an offensive line combo that is running it right down their throats. I know, let's change it up.
  2. Put the punter 5 yard closer to force him to botch the pooch punt
  3. Out of town update: Quick touchdown pass for Lamar jackson... to Mickey Spillane of the Steelers
  4. That reminds me, Edelman gets one of these:
  5. Hope is a snowmobile, speeding across a frozen tundra. Suddenly it flips over pinning you underneath. At night the ice weasels come.
  6. Aaron Rodgers is so In Aaron Rodgers' 24-year-old season he was busy throwing 28 passes in 2 games to finally eclipse the 300 yard mark for career yardage. But please keep comparing Rodgers at his peak to Allen now.
  7. Gannon sure doesn't accept it. Went off endlessly on how Josh "has a problem with ball security" on the ball coming out caused by ground impact (down by contact) and says nothing about Darnold's penchant for putting it on the grass and pitching it to the wrong color jerseys, and which he did all 2nd half (actually since USC). He did have an underrated insight as to why Allen's interceptions are relatively low, is the velocity of his throws make them hard to catch for both sides. DB's don't just pluck those like Peterman's soap bubbles.
  8. Correct me if I'm mistaken here but isn't this what the Bills do pretty much every time they go to NJ to play the Jets?
  9. Wiped out by the holding but horrible spot by the ref, QB scrambles are marked by where QB starts to slide or dive, not where he lands
  10. Just getting it to the left hash. No worried. Get the FG and go dormie
  11. Ironic that Gannon don't mention anything about Darnold having "problems with ball security" which has been his trademark since college
  12. Allen wants another 4th quarter comeback. This is just stat padding
  13. Illegal formation. Shows the end zone view. Awesome production CBS
  14. Singletary is perpetually one step away from a huge play, but it's the step he doesn't have.
  15. ref comes in a yard past the marker "it's gonna be close"
  16. Hahaha. Flag during the TV timeout? C'mon, at least make it look like it's not rigged
  17. Some receivers run route-trees down the field. McKittrick runs root-trees behind the LOS
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