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Everything posted by Ralonzo

  1. Actually I like the clock management here. Whether AZ scores or not he's much likelier to give the ball to Allen with some time on the clock.
  2. He stopped Drake getting around the edge, he can shut down teams attacking the edges when he runs like that
  3. There's nothing more fun than DB's looking around with their hands in the air as if "how did that happen, wasn't someone supposed to help me, what the hell!"
  4. Didn't this guy Basham get an injury timeout 3-4 times against the Bills too?
  5. When you get to the EZ go for 2 Bill. Let this game just end.
  6. Don't underestimate the power of the 12th man.
  7. It would have been too obvious to punt on first down; that was close enough.
  8. Jets docs might have something to do with that.
  9. This is a tough fantasy call. Allen has become one of the better throwing QBs in the league but Murray running is still extremely integral to the Cardinals offense and gives him a high weekly floor.
  10. Brady is a bad example because he had all sorts of shady side-income deals with Kraft to get around the cap because of course they're gonna cheat. Edit: Before this gets flagged as fake news https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/
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