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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. The Steelers are coming! The Steelers are Coming! Shoot, I didn't even know they were breathing hard! The Bills will Win! The Bills WILL WIN! (Tough, Tough Game but a Bills Win!)
  2. I guess the fans (all twelve of them) didn't appreciate that idea.
  3. We Do! Just like we recognize that Fact and Opinion are two different things. Just like we recognize the difference between intelligent discourse and mindless blathering. Just like we recognize someone desperately trying to justify an entrenched position. Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night! GO BILLS!
  4. I was a sophmore at Lackawanna Senior High when Ron Jawarski was a senior. The funny thing is that I remember him as a running QB. I don't think there was anyone on the team who could catch the bullets he threw even then, which may explain why he wound up going to Youngstown State.
  5. Those same 3-11 Dolphins that had the NFL's #1 rated pass defense going into that game? Those same 3-11 Dolphins that pulled off the most embarrassing upset in the last five years when they came back and beat the defending super bowl champs Monday? Those guys?
  6. Andre without question. For about three years he was in a class that only Jerry Rice could touch and surpass. Eric is one of the top receivers in the NFL but he has never set himself apart from the pack the way Andre did.
  7. Every single team with a winning record has "Feasted on Weak Opponents." The thing to remember is we want the Bills to be a team that causes other teams (and their fans) to look at their schedule and moan about how tough it is. Good teams don't play tough schedules; they create tough schedules for their opponents!
  8. If both Willis and Travis are out the Bills will do the same things they have done for most of this season. The early part of the game will be on Drew's shoulders. The defense and special teams will come up big. And, later in the game, when the Bills are up, we'll see a heavy dose of the running game. The only difference will be the name of the guy toting the rock.
  9. I was just about to post the same thought... Drew Bledsoe!
  10. It's true, YOU ARE ICE! LOL! Read back through this thread, First you claim Bledsoe can't pick up the team when the defense and ST's have a bad game. It gets pointed out to you that he's already done just that during the Miami game. Now you come up with a wild hypothetical situation that requires Bledsoe to pull off a near miracle victory in order to be considered adequate! Give it a rest! When did Flutie become a HOF Candidate?
  11. LOL!, your hatred blinds you to the obvious! Funny, I remember us being ahead by three when that happened, who was it who put us up in that game? Sure, the int return by Phat Pat was an exciting clincher, but Drew already had us out in front. And when the defense was stinking up the joint in the first half, who was it that put the team on his shoulders and marched them repeatedly down tha field to build the lead the defense almost surrendered? Have another for the road dude!
  12. So tell us, who was it that pulled the Miami game out? Enjoy your drink.
  13. I've read your Sig line, Tom so I know that the highlighted word must be correct. So, could you please enlighten me as to what the #@*^ it means?
  14. Well, lets see now... Against St. Louis, a team that is not as good as their record would seem to indicate, THE BILLS dominated in the second half just as a very good team is supposed to dominate a weaker opponent. Against Seattle, another team that is not as good as their record would seem to indicate, THE BILLS dominated them for the entire game (a game I would remind you most picked the Bills to LOSE!) just as a very good team is supposed to dominate a weaker opponent. Against Miami, a team with their back against the wall, playing with nothing to lose, and a team that is actually better than their record seems to indicate, (and playing in their stadium which has been a house of horrors for some very, very good Bills teams) THE BILLS win a very exciting game on the road (Where many were just recently saying THE BILLS couldn't win) coming from behind in the second half. I'll Take IT! P.S. We also scored the most points ever for any three game stretch in team history, 117. Yep, THE BILLS beat weaker opponents, but THE BILLS beat them convincingly, just as very good teams should!
  15. Preemtive? Yes! Force? Questionable and open to interpretation. The threat of force was certainly used, and an effective blocade was established, but few if any shots were fired and I don't know if anyone was even injured, let alone killed, during the crisis.
  16. Move aside boot camp, that was the year I made Chief, (E-7) Originally from Lackawanna, now living in RI, Bills fan since 1960, you figure out where the name came from.
  17. I'll register another No-Vote. I couldn't find the stevestojan is a MAROON block!
  18. Can anyone find any QB whose rating is higher on the road than it is at home?
  19. Jerry Butler may well have been a hall of famer if he didn't tear up his knee. I thought he was out of football by the time the Bills got those two clowns. Andre should go in on his first ballot. Burkett? I seem to remember some guy bashing Kelly then winding up on the Jests. You sure you're not making stevestojan up again?
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