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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. Yep, Holcomb should have taken a ten yard loss rather than a four yard loss because he shouldn't be making every play he can? He shouldn't have thown that pass to Fast Freddie Smith because it might have been intercepted (But it wasn't and it was a TD). Just what is it I don't get here? Is someone going to criticise the way he ties his shoes next? Is his hair parted on the wrong side? He's making plays, what else is he supposed to do?
  2. But, Thankfully, the only say they have is the ranting they're doing even after the Bills Win!
  3. Yeah, a 17 point win would have looked much better than a 10 point win, but you can't have everything. BTW, It's a 10-17 point loss if JPL was starting. So I'll take a few bad plays from the Pro QB vrs a slew of bad plays from the rookie. But that's just me...
  4. It showed up in my e-mail as being sent out by Move America Forward, and was used as a prime example of why my donations to the "You Don't Speak For Me, Cindy" campaign were working. Except I hadn't made any donations...
  5. So wearing an anti-Bush tee shirt automatically makes you white trash? But what if you're african-american or asian-american and you wear the same shirt, are you still white trash?
  6. Not until he learns the meaning of touch and how to check down on a play. Losman is right where he needs to be, learning by watching. The one thing that KH can show him that he can't learn on the field is the effect a calm and efficient QB can have on a team's success.
  7. No matter what Bledsoe does the "Bledsoe Haters Society" of this board will have to instantly decry it lest they be forced to admit that the QB they gleefully ran out of town on a rail is a far better QB than anyone on the current Bills roster is or is likely to become in the near future. Therefore all such Hater Comments should be taken as being made with a large dose of Salted Crow as it becomes ever more increasingly obvious that "Anyone But Bledsoe" is not and never was the answer for this teams current offensive woes.. And now as we watch the fortunes of the Cowboys rise and the ineptitudes of our offense become ever more glaringly visible, they rise up again and chant, louder and louder, hoping that the sheer volume will mask the lack of reason behind their cries. Because of course, the answer is always, BUT DUDE, BLEDSOE SUCKS...
  8. You mean the same people who were loudly trumpeting that ABB (Anybody But Bledsoe) could guide this team to the promised land? The ones who last year claimed our line was adequate for a mobile QB? The ones who claimed Josh Reed was a wasted draft pick? Those Football Experts?
  9. Yeah, it was completely inappropriate (as are most of his comments, BTW) but sometimes the right wing circle jerk that this board has turned into causes me to post without resorting to coherant thought. An action that most of you "Compasionate Conservatives" should understand...
  10. <Catches latest load of crap and examines it carefully> Translation: Dispicable Liberal Smearmeister (Gene Frenkle) will be endlessly vilified if he or she (Ya never know folks) attempts to use the same tactics that the Honorable Conservative Commentator (Ghost of BiB) just used. <Drops crap in plastic container> Yep, Same Old Sh*t Note: I'll be at sea for the next week or so, feel free to flame away till I get back.
  11. I spend enough time at work in Connecticut (and Virginia) to cure me of any such foolishness. I do retain a nostalgic longing for WNY however.
  12. That only works on the poor folks who live in Northern Rhode Island. Those of us in the southwestern part of the state are of course immune to such petty displays of jealousy.
  13. Just when I think this story cannot possibly become any more convoluted or inane, Karl Rove's attourney releases a statement - confirming what many on the right have long suspected but couldn't prove, Washington's version of truth is indeed stranger than any possible Liberal Fiction - saying that Robert Novak was Rove's Source for information about Valerie Plame. We all had it backwards. Gov't insiders don't blab to reporters. Reporters balb to Gov't insiders!
  14. "In a speech to the American Enterprise Institute, the former Federal Reserve governor said if the increased tax collections continue along with spending controls, the government`s budget deficit will be reduced below its projected level." Ummm..... Richio, do you ever actually read the articles you link to? All this one actually says is: If, Then Maybe, We Think.... And then goes on to say... "Earlier this year, the White House projected a 427-billion-dollar shortfall for the fiscal year that ends September 30th. Some private analysts have projected the deficit will actually be closer to 350-billion-dollars." Yep, still the worst deficit in US History, but not quite as bad as we thought it would be... PS: Spending Controls????? This Congress??????
  15. And what else could we possibly be arguing about here?
  16. It took you three whole minutes to take that quiz? Slowing down in your old age, Tom?
  17. Actually I liked the GWB loyalty Quiz http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/bl...gewbushquiz.htm Here's my score, what's yours? [Your score is 0 on a scale of 1 to 10. You hate Bush with a writhing passion. You think he is an idiot, a liar, and a warmonger who has been a miserable failure as president. Nothing would give you greater pleasure than seeing him run out of the White House, except maybe seeing him dragged away in handcuffs.]
  18. The first recorded use of this question as a counter to disagreement with current white house policy may be found in Bush II White House Talking Points Memo #4 (dtd 31May 2002). as quoted below... "Whenever it becomes impossible to further advance the agenda using standard responses 1 through 57, or when you realize that the individual you are arguing with is smarter than a grapefruit and can see that you have completely mastered the approved canned responses, use deflection technique #38 and ask THE QUESTION. THE QUESTION, "WOULD/IS/COULD/ IRAQ BE BETTER OFF UNDER SADDAM HUSSEIN?" does not need to be germaine to the discussion, or in anyway related to the facts in question, because any answer other than NO, allows you to instantly portray the answerer as Treasonous, Disloyal, and an all around nasty person. Therefore, THE QUESTION, is now considered to be the ultimate, all purpose, shutter-upper for all instances where the decision to Invade Iraq is in question." /s/ K. Rove
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