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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. So let me get this straight. We both know that the hgher the level of clearance the more detailed the info provided to the individual becomes, right? The POTUS should have acces to all info, Right? Freshman Congressman Wingnut from Smurfsville, Alaska may only have a confidential clearance, or a basic secret, or possibly only a NoForn, Right? And you're gonna try to put forth the poition that they both saw the same intel or that Congressman Wingnut may have seen something relevant that POTUS never saw, Right? And I'm supposed to take your opinions seriously, Right?
  2. So BiB you're admitting what we already knew, that the WH claims that Congress had the same intel that the POTUS did before the war votes is disengenuous at best.
  3. Well big guy if you weren't looking for replys like that from "Liberals" what were you looking for? Pats on the back and agreement from your Neocon Buddies that it is indeed all the evil liberals fault, perhaps?
  4. Bill, as one of the very few union members other than you who post on this board I have two word for you, BITE ME! Take your stupid rant and shove it where the sun doesn't shine! Liberals are the sole reason GM is Planning to close plants? PLEASE! Get a Grip, a Life, and a Clue! There are a variety of reasons why those plants are being threatened with closure and one of the top reasons is to try and break the back of the UAW. Bill, it's people like you who claim to be good loyal union members but vote Republican who enable scumbags like the top management at GM to get away with things like this. OBTW I drive a Chevy Silverado and my wife drives a Chrysler Voyager. Both made in the good old USA. So we agree completely on the Buy American part.
  5. I changed the title to generate more views... and maybe a response or two from the right... Brit Tabloid Article Who Knew? Wow! I guess it's really serious since the British Attorney General is threatening to prosecute the leakers. Hmmm... Sound Familiar?
  6. An Interesting Article about who knew what when.
  7. In other words, you haven't got a whisper of a suspision of a clue, but you don't want to admit that publicly because that would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you've been blowing smoke up an elephant's ass all along. Not that we couldn't tell that from thirty five or so nautical miles away or anything...
  8. Did you actually read the BLOG, you referenced in that link? It seems that the offending filenames were inserted by a low-level nobody at NETSCAPE and were changed as soon as they were dicovered. Netscape then appologized. Of course the BLOG you referenced does try (and Fail) to spin it in a way that makes it appear that CNN is totally at fault and that it was done intentionally and maliciously by Ted Turner himself. But, the fact they present don't support the conclusions they draw, unless you're wearing your Elephant-Hide Blinders. So none of the partisan Horse Manure you're ranting about is even close to being factually based. As Usual.
  9. Link? Source? Why it matters what the file name was? How this, even if true, proves anything at all?
  10. Wow, Reed and Thurmal, FIRST ROUND PICKS??????? Try Reed 4th round and Thurmal 2nd round And the year Kelly was drafted he was the Bills 2nd pick in the first round, Remember Tony Hunter??????? So one out of four ain't bad...
  11. Campy, I apologize if I gave you the wrong impression but my post was directed to SilverNRed, not you. In fact I am in near complete agreement with everything you just said.
  12. 1. spellcheck works! 2. TMCM (SS/SW) USN (Ret) 3. Look up the words DUTY, HONOR, COUNTRY, try to understand what it is that differentiates the American Serviceman Doing His or Her Duty from a Terrorist. When you figure that out, maybe your opinion will change.
  13. Wrong, as usual. Willie Peter Read the Health Effects Section. I love how all the people who never did a single minute of military service are okay with all the things which they'll allow to happen to other people.
  14. I think the winds might have had just a little to do with those two misses. BTW The look on Lindell's face after the second miss was classic. That ball appeared to do a ninety degree turn on my TV.
  15. So when I was last in France I must have missed the Muslim Version of the 700 Club, Huh? And the Late Night Infomercials for "Allah Saves" And who would have guessed that that guy Chirac was talking to was the Dean of Students for Bin Lauden University. Gee, the parallels between Fundamentalist Muslims and Fundamentalist Christians are endless, aren't they?
  16. No, but control of those approaches wouldn't necessarially be contested by the oversized targets of the surface fleet. 2-3 Los Angeles Class Subs working as a "Wolf-Pack" (or 1 Seawolf or Virginia Class Sub) would effectively control the straights of Taiwan. The Chinese Navy doesn't have a Submarine force or ASW assets capable of contesting the area. Now, add the SSGN, which packs some serious firepower to back up those 50 (or more) Seals, and the Surface Combatants (1 CVN, 2 CG's, 4 DD's, etc...) assigned to that Task Force are free to concentrate on taking control of Taiwan's airspace. The new littoral assets are free to sit on the sidelines and watch...
  17. More likely we'll respond by dispatching an SSGN to Taiwan. Spec Forces backed by a butt-ton of cruise missiles.
  18. Maybe I read it wrong initially, but that's the way it came across to me.
  19. Well then, I must congratulate you for completely failing to make a point, any point, beyond DemsBAD!! Apparently in your perception, challenging or questioning a Bush Nominee in any way shape or form, amounts to the lowest and sleaziest form of partisan politics practiced today. Oh, and if you don't believe you're coming across that way, look at how fast Richio's twin sisters are leaping to your defense.
  20. The "until the next election" part which implies that today only one party is guilty of acting in a less than honest manner.
  21. Wow, the Monkey got something right! I'm Impressed!
  22. Do you use word? Exactly how long do you think it takes to change the setting that controls that litttle function? I could write all sorts of douments on my computer and e-mail them in a way which would make it appear that some mouth-breathing piece of proto-matter called SilverNRed not only authored but mailed all of them... But of course you know who did this, because the author of some republitard talking points told you who did it, right?
  23. Okay, we're gonna have the Republitards/Conservitards jump all over this aren't we. Of Course, nobody knows who authored that document, which seems to be a simple and straight forward listing of why the Conservative Alito doesn't fit a Liberal's concept of who should be nominated for the USSC at this point. Oh and CTM, we all know Rove didn't write that. It doesn't contain any outright smears or personal attacks.
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