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RI Bills Fan

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Everything posted by RI Bills Fan

  1. And even the ripple-fire broadside will push a BB sideways almost a quarter mile, as well a heeling it over 15-20 degrees. The recovery time is significant. I may be wrong but I remember reading that during GWI the BB's were resticted in their firing angles to +/- 45 degrees relative (or no more than 45 degrees from the bow) for continuous fire operations. And even that would bring a BB doing 10 knots to dead in the water or making way astern quickly if the Gunnery Officer and the Conning Officer weren't in synch. It takes a huge powder charge to throw a shell that weighs more than a volkswagon beetle 20+ miles.
  2. And to think, I learned it all from reading your posts...
  3. As opposed to 150 consecutive posts of "Bush Bad" followed by one lame attempt to explain why they were appropriate? Pot, Meet Kettle...
  4. Actually "Bush Bad" isn't a Dem Talking point, It's a Repub "Hot Pocket" Answer. Think about it, When do you see "Bush Bad"? The only time it ever appears is when one of the "Talking Points Spewing Chickenhawks" has no other answer for whatever point is being discussed in a particular thread and feels the burning need to insert his or her opinion as a point of fact. It's become a catch-all that means "I have no intelligent response to your post Mr. Liberal Sir, but you're wrong anyway!" So, keep them "Bush Bad" posts coming, I get a good chuckle every time.
  5. Yeah, I guess you're right, but I don't have to like it.
  6. And just to reinforce your point we have... ...a Classic Example of the Talking Points Spewing Chickenhawk, on display for all to see.
  7. That's just not right, what did those 72 ugly virgins ever do to deserve a fate like that?
  8. "There are none so blind as those who will not see" I forgot who said that, but it sure does apply to this board.
  9. Ohmygod, But, But, But, the Dummycrats are so much Worser!!! Like I said, The Retard Rodeo...
  10. Sure I will Stuck, old boy, just as soon as you reveal who posted this in your name. You did call Johnson a Liar in your post didn't you? and you did reference it back to an article that specificly says that Johnson Didn't Lie, didn't you? Hmmm... who's kidding whom?
  11. Actually this paragraph tells me all I need to know. "The US government is said to have fought the declassification of the documents over fears of comparisons with the handling of Iraq, says the BBC's defence and security correspondent Rob Watson." Stuck, old bean, if the current administration thought they could smear a long dead Democrat with these revelations, they would have been trumpeted from the rooftops. Obviously they don't, because they've been rather mum on the subject, haven't they? But then again, you know how much they love hearing the names Iraq and Viet-Nam in the same sentence.
  12. Gee, Stuck old boy, why didn't you mention this part of the article? "But he clears President Johnson and his ministers of any blame. They were only shown intelligence supporting the claim of an attack, not a wealth of contradictory material, he says." Could it be that you are guilty of twisting the facts to support your own political views? Nah, I didn't think so, either...
  13. was illegal to start with. The staff lawyers at Justice sent a memo to the top brass telling them to pull the plug on the redistricting because it didn't pass constitutional review. The top brass (Political Appointees) chose to quash the memo and allow the redistricting to go on unchallenged. Read Story Here. Now, before the members of the "Retard Rodeo" get their panties in an uproar because I linked to that "Bastion of the Liberal Media" and start claiming it's all just hate, hate, hate, the question I want to ask is: Why didn't these same people come out with this story two years ago? Do you think the Republican Stranglehold on Washington is rapidly crumbling?
  14. Time?????????? Time for what????????? Are you really saying we're tying up our military might in a third world hellhole and spending American lives to buy us some time????????
  15. Just a couple of general questions: 1. Is our economy driven by production or consumption? 2. Which country consumes the largest per capita share of the world's goods and services? 3. Is that good or bad for the world in general? 4. How does driving wages and benifits down in the US affect the answers to the above questions? OBTW, answering questions with counter-questions = failing grade
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