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Gary Marangi

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Everything posted by Gary Marangi

  1. People were saying Buffalo is the most dangerous team to make the playoffs. Dummy said Buffalo is the most dangerous team that wont make the playoffs
  2. Their were a lot of so called experts at the beginning of the season saying that they would get the No 1 seed
  3. I woke up this morning went to my kitchen table and saw a stack of bills
  4. IF we would get in I can see Bills knocking off KC and Cleveland beating Baltimore setting up battle of Lake Erie for the Super Bowl
  5. You can hope Bills get up big on them and Miami starts sitting starters. They don't want another disaster like last week
  6. He always said are oline sucked and McDermott being a defensive coach he would never be able to get it right
  7. Just dominated Dallas.That was 3 weeks ago and they have looked like crap since then
  8. With this offense I don't see how people can say we are going to light them up and win. I see Miami putting us away fairly easy and us missing the playoffs all together
  9. Hoping they are booing the team off the field.They desrve it
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