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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. I just watched the video again (gave it a cursory look in the past) and have to say... a) it's not a good look: he's stinking drunk b) being around young women when you're a wasted athlete is really, really dumb c) lightly kicking the woman was stupid d) I didn't see him brutalize anyone So why did KC kick him off the team if this was everything? Because he lied about it? That's the extent of it? This is no where near as bad as what Rice did but it's a bad look. Not scary, scary bad but dumb bad. In light of the Araiza situation, and given what Kim believes in, I'd be shocked if we made a move for him. Just bad optics for a team that's great without him. But just based on this video — if this is everything that he did wrong and I don't know if it is — he's not a monster or anything. If we got him, I wouldn't stop watching and denounce the Bills.
  2. I never said we never had a good defense without a dominant line in recent years. But I do believe our defense in 2022 is the best it's ever been with McDermott.. And I'm not talking stats but the ability to beat great teams. I said IF capital is limited, I would rather have one veteran (high-priced) safety and one veteran outside corner (high priced) and put the money into the D line than the having a secondary of high priced vets and not a lot of spending on the D line. Do you really believe that's an unreasonable view?
  3. The comment above is important. A lot of people who still want a good back aren't saying don't give Devin touches. We need more than one decent back. And I for one want a change of pace back with more bulk than Devin.
  4. Very glad to hear he's now cancer free. Holy s$$t, he's 53? Time flies...
  5. I really like Hyde and Poyer (not their ages for a long-term extension, however) but this year is showing me that a dominant line can make a young and experienced secondary look pretty good. If we have limited dollars going forward, with this coaching, I want the money mostly spent wisely on the D-line, interior and edge. I think one veteran outside cornerback and one veteran safety can get the job done with some younger players. I'm not advocating dumping Hyde, just saying that with a franchise QB we will be forced to compromise down the line and that's where I would make compromises. At least with this coaching staff.
  6. I have no doubts as to Hyde's value. I'm just concerned about extending a couple of great safeties who will both be 32 next season. Saving $4 million but taking a $7 million hit to ditch Hyde means you need to find a player as good for less than $4 million to make that a good move; it's not gonna happen.
  7. And Kansas City would've been blown out by the Bills IF the KC secondary performed poorly. That tweet is probably the dumbest pro writer comment I've read in years.
  8. The Chargers still have to play the Chiefs one more time — I was hoping they could hand the Chiefs a loss. That will be harder without Jackson, whether he's overrated or not.
  9. Not so sure about that. It officially goes till next Tuesday and Beane strikes me as the kind of guy to wait it out to get good value and not give up too much capital. Yes, he went all out for Miller but we're not getting a Miller now. It might be a decent role player but not a star.
  10. We're the best team in the league without having to employ scumbags. Yes, I want to win a championship, but, no, I don't think Hunt is worth that bit of difference he would give us. If he's truly remorseful for what he did and has gone out of his way to express that and change, then maybe... But most bad people don't change and apologies are lip service. Let's win it all with good people like Von and Josh and all the rest.
  11. I'd be in favor of adding a back in the fourth or fifth round next year with good size (220 lb plus) and good but far from elite speed (4.5 to 4.6). Cost-control contract for a few years. Other than a guard and safety, I can't see us having too many needs and I think a bruising back with some decent wheels would be a good lower-round pick. The thunder to Cook's (hopefully speaking as it's unproven) lightning.
  12. Yes, it's early but we already beat our nemesis and no other AFC team should scare us. Given the crappiness of the NFC any rational observer would have to say the Bills are SB favorites. I'm really glad Von is hear to help manage the team's mindset because the goals and expectations are loftier than they have been in decades.
  13. I wasn't a huge fan of Singletary before this year but I am pleasantly surprised at his improved burst and/or vision hitting the holes early. Regarding his average, however, isn't it very possible it's inflated by playing with Josh Allen? Defenses are totally keying up for the pass and don't mind if Motor "gashes" them for almost five yards a carry. Also: do you have confidence in Singletary for third and short and goal-line stands? I don't. And I don't want Josh running all the time. I'm not against Singletary but I would be much more confident with a bigger-bodied back who's good at grinding out the tough short yards. And for not a lot of draft capital — I'm talking something like a sixth rounder. I just know that Moss ain't that short-yardage back.
  14. Yup... all the trading for a back talk. And I assumed the Browns were already throwing in the towel and looking for picks.
  15. Garoppolo is looking good... But they need to get TDs not FGs to beat the Chiefs.
  16. Ah, my bad... All this RB talk and I was thinking Nick... Not the Broncos.
  17. Would love to see Bosa repeatedly pummel Mahomes. That would make my non-Bills Sunday.
  18. That special teams play by Peoples-Jones on the punt was fantastic. Didn't know you could hit a guy in that situation.
  19. If he were some humanitarian who gave back to the community in Buffalo (maybe he does and I don't know about it) and he was a humble player whose demeanor and play looked focused, people wouldn't do this. But to many he comes across as not serious about the game and combined with his numerous mistakes, many people have no compunction making fun of a man who makes millions to — sometimes — catch a ball.
  20. His best line was when after someone didn't know who 18 Keenum was he said to the camera, "I gotta throw more touchdowns." Takes some guts to do that, try tp push his jersey knowing full well people won't want it — and people might even diss Keenum not knowing that's the guy talking to him. Good for him, knows his role and accepts it and can even joke about it.
  21. Some are complaining that calling McKenzie "Lil' Dummy" is mean spirited. Yet McKenzie made fun of Hyde's season-ending and potentially career-threatening neck injury (Hyde couldn't believe it and, funnily enough, did not find it funny). So do we really need to watch what we say about a mistake-prone player who likes to dish out the worst kind of humor himself? 🤔
  22. If trying to win a second Super Bowl and salvage his diminishing legacy as a player who can win doesn't motivate Rodgers, I doubt that some bon mots from a guy called Tim Harmston will.
  23. I normally don't trust middle-aged men with haircuts like that but it was an entertaining read. "Rodgers leads the league in frumpy expressions and negative body language on the sideline, which makes him, like Josh Allen, a unique double threat." We don't have beat writers who can do that.
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