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Goin Breakdown

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Everything posted by Goin Breakdown

  1. I'm trying to listen to some games on nfl+ but they are all is Spanish. Anyone know why, or how to fix?
  2. Yeah man. All good here. Dude there's thing on here about Tom Brady, Dan Snyder, Russ Wilson, Watson and so on. People who are for sure Not related to the Bills whatsoever, yet you post about Sal and we get the "whys this a post" what's this have to do with the bills". I can't stand social media because people crap on each other at the drop of a dime. I'd just like this place to be different (and it is for the most part). Have a great day man
  3. Ironic that those complaining about this thread actually clicked on it and then responded. o can easily see why it was a thread. Bills - Bills sideline reporter- chance running into him- Bills mafia and community out and about. May not be ground breaking but hey it's kinda cool.
  4. Wow, that's what it's like to read about something good in the world. Thank you for that. Media just wants us all to believe we are all horrible human beings in this world.
  5. I'll say this. I'm not sure we need him but I don't want him going to Miami or KC
  6. Interesting. Stock up on picks I suppose. He's pretty good. I'd say in that Knox category in regard to his play. (Eye test opinion not stats based)
  7. Mic'd up is part of my NFL game experience. Radio all week, watch the game, listen to post game, GMFB reactions and Mic'd up.
  8. I think the Bills organization that doesn't like drama would find a way to ask Miller to stop with all of this talk. Idk I may be wrong though.
  9. Ohh my dayum. That was the saddest thing I've ever heard. A grown man yelling at Josh "sign my jersey, josh, josh please". Man. Let the little boy have his moment.
  10. It wasn't a dis my guy. On one hand the Bills are dialed in. On the other hand Mahomes was throwing perfect passes. I was agreeing with you. Sorta a catch 22. It's all good
  11. Romo and Co cheering and moaning for the chiefs the whole game is getting old
  12. You know this. I know this. The whole world knows this except for....
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