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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. the tune will be very different in that case. The demographics will explain it simply: As was the case in the 2018 midterms, voters with and without college degrees each accounted for roughly half of the Democratic Party’s voters in 2022 (51% held college degrees while 49% did not). By contrast, a majority of Republican voters in 2022 had no college degree (63%); a smaller share had a college degree or more (37%). This is similar to the shares of Republican voters with and without a college degree in 2018. White voters without college degrees made up a majority (54%) of Republican voters in 2022, compared with 27% of Democratic voters. Yet the share of Republican voters who are members of this group was down 4 points compared with the 2020 presidential election. Pew data
  2. Which is similar if not identical to low information. They lack the tools to discern information from disinformation and a basic understanding of things like government and science.. They’re prey to the slickest information manipulators who purposely spread lies and falsehoods for their own benefit. It’s no accident that MAGA has targeted these folks. They’re very good at it. It’s been done for centuries. It usually starts with attacking the press and offering up a common enemy.
  3. Just a bunch of ignorant people. Some of the same that believe the 2020 election was fraudulent. Or those that believe that vaccines are bad. These are low information, low capacity, easily fooled dolts. intellectual capacity is bell shaped in a population.. These are those at the bottom (somebody has to be). I suspect other than that, it's multifactorial: the timeline (as you suggest), a lack of understanding about how SCOTUS works, intellectual isolation ( they're surrounded by other dummies), a preconceived political bias, lack of curiosity, lack of tools/time to garner info etc. We need to remember the grade school level civics understanding within some groups. There are folks that can't name half the states and have never been outside their own state...These are some of them.
  4. don't see the connection between this and a group of dummies. you mean you really think biden was responsible for overturning Roe? perhaps we need to run cartoons explaining it like MAGA does.
  5. This 35% number keeps cropping up. hmm, that's the number representing trump's bedrock base. "I love the uneducated".
  6. "Stand Back, Stand By" https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54359993
  7. they are, on your side. 20 years ago, who woulda thought establishment voters would be considered liberals by their opponents. words mean nothing. truth is now plastic, sadly. and it's all by design.
  8. we're already on opposite sides. we do what we can. will be attending a fundraiser for a D congressional candidate shortly. Let's hope elections remain our way of choosing leaders.
  9. Uh huh. I don't desire a civil war but if it happens, we'll be on opposite sides. The most likely scenario involves trump losing or jailed. That would make you a rebel. Didn't go so well for them last time.
  10. Hair dye - No Grow a beard - yes but my wife doesn't like it when I do. Coup- didn't happen but was attempted
  11. while being ignored, I'm receiving a great deal of attention from you. Not really desired but hey, it's a forum. 16% of my posts mention trump. That's much less than the media percentage of stories pertaining to him. Good for me!
  12. I'm concerned with the potential for individual acts of voter fraud and not some nebulous potential for "widespread" fraud. how bout we use the descriptive "consequential fraud", consequential being defined as affecting the results of an election? As far as I know, that's recently occurred only once recently ; In NC. There are some R pols in jail for it, I believe.
  13. So....the Russians are really bad....agreed. They re barbaric. So why are cons ready to let them overrun Ukraine?
  14. you don't recognize the irony of this post , now do you You're a moron but occasionally entertaining in an ironic sort of way...
  15. Do you have evidence that there has been widespread fraud that would make a difference in an election? Without those, your concerns are unfounded and bordering on paranoia or even pandering to the rubes.
  16. I think we've seen evidence of nearly every one of these characterizations in posts by the far right MAGA's here. Not sure what colonist and imperialist have to do with the others tho. It seems the common thread is that they all want whatever is best for them personally and worst for the groups they despise....
  17. trolling is in the eye of the beholder. IMO the propaganda cartoons repeatedly posted by NC are excellent examples of trolling....
  18. Why is a BILLIONAIRE so concerned over the sum of $135K? I get that he needs it hidden but why was he trying to shaft Peck$r and Cohen? Because he's not that wealthy...Bill Gates donates more than that on a daily basis to the fight against polio without blinking: https://www.rotary.org/en/gates-foundation-extending-fundraising-partnership-eradicate-polio. Trump is a phony. All hat and no cattle....
  19. other than anger, neither trump nor his spouse appear to have any genuine emotions. They're plastic people; master opportunists devoid of honor. Every time I see either of them, I think of the evil characters in "Rosemary's Baby".
  20. I don't think this is an apt analogy. Individual personal mortgages don't increase the money supply for the entire economy, which makes existing money worth less.
  21. Massive deficit Covid spending by both recent presidents overwhelmingly drove inflation....and it was the right thing to do. The economy would have been much worse off without it.
  22. "I love the uneducated" - Donald Trump
  23. Comparing porn stars to his daughter. Stormy’s not ashamed of her manner of making a living…
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