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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. your political choices are as bad as your choice in spirits: maybe go up 2 shelves to Makers or Woodford? Maybe try an Irish Whiskey.
  2. if history holds, the Nazi apologists will lose https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-market-has-already-chosen-a-winner-in-the-2024-presidential-election-bdbfec99
  3. waiting for fickle tommy to mention the 51% of Americans in the "investor class".
  4. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/we-the-incorrect-people-49-of-americans-say-stocks-are-down-for-the-year-72-say-inflation-rising-8efd293e I wonder who the majority of this 49% is voting for....
  5. sounds fascist to me: https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-warning-donald-trump-enemies-fear-1903830 not to neo nazis and hate groups
  6. Billsy answers you in a detailed post. You blow it off. Glad I didn't waste my time documenting his Nazi tendencies. You rubes ignore it because you really desire that kind of state. But you won't be better off....
  7. I can't decide who trump admires more, Nazi or Soviet dictators:
  8. Then why did trump post it on HIS site? Are lemmings like you ignoring him?
  9. The DA is a prosecutor. The judge hasn't been reported to publicly fly symbols proving impartiality. Neither are on the supreme court- several degrees of magnitude below...
  10. Look at the scum trump closely associated with: Cohen, Giuliani, Costello, ***** etc. Birds of a feather. Presumably that's why so many losers are going to vote for him.
  11. Based on your presumably sober rantings, I'd say psychopath more accurately describes you.
  12. So his intentions were evil? Then he should man up to it. Aren't justices meant to be just?
  13. All of which, begs the question "what was his or his wife's intent on flying the inverted flag?" If it were really a tit-for-tat a between rude neighbors, wouldn't a note in the offenders mailbox saying "We don't appreciate your crude sign" be more effective? Especially for some one in a distinguished position in the gov't or his presumably sophisticated wife? Why would an upside down flag send her message clearly and without obvious ambiguity?
  14. When in Rome...I mean I'm in a forum with the likes of you. I know who I am. How you refer to me reflects on you, not me. Pretty certain I'm the only actual MD who frequents this place so it's obvious who you are referring to. If you were referencing "Doc" you'd be more complimentary....
  15. yes, you are. You're trying to blame the would be victims: The American voters who convincingly elected a D prez and not trump. Oh, and Pence and Pelosi who were targeted for murder. How much security would have been necessary to control that mob of scum marching from a trump rally where for some reason metal detectors were turned off. POS after POS testified that they were following trump's order to attack the capitol. The parties to place the blame on are obvious.
  16. nah, if they were my neighbor, I'd have a use for all the dog shite that I pick up from my yard. Also NoVa is nice to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.
  17. in retrospect, clever. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4670420-wife-daughter-of-chiefs-owner-back-harrison-butker-amid-controversy/
  18. thou shalt not bear false witness...well at least they're appropriately robed in black.
  19. i read this 3x's and still have no idea what it's meant to convey. The asshat is a supreme court justice. He and his wife should be above flying upside down US flags. The fact that you're ok with it explains a great deal.
  20. The problem is that he's shamelesss. And so is his wife and nearly half the country. They've all lost their moral compass imitating and supporting the fat cheeto.
  21. Met and listened to Tim Kaine tonight. Gentlemanly and composed as ever (except his VP debate - wtf?) Very pragmatic and positive message. Rebranded a vile saying into "Stand tall, stand together" Mildly crass but a decent riff. Left feeling positive - realistic or not.
  22. He was speaking to engineering students, many of whom are female. They just slogged thru 4 years of physics , chem, calculus etc. And he tells them to stay at home. He and anyone who listens to him are morons and tone deaf...
  23. Didn't read about the doxxing but think it's fair to surmise Butler is persona non grata to Georgia Tech and KC. Just stupid. Nike , Puma and Adidas won't be calling.
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