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Joe Ferguson forever

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson forever

  1. Never looked into this cuz I never thought it plausible. Thank you. But I don't think Blasey- Ford concocted her story. Kavanaugh is Tucker carlson on SCOTUS- an obnoxious, priviledged, arrogant preppy. Releasing the writings of anyone with mental health issues is way wrong unless they agree to release them (some authors and artists).
  2. Knives out...et tu brute? They smell blood https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4650094-kristi-noem-cuts-off-dogged-fox-business-host-enough-stuart/
  3. It wouldn't surprise me if much of the MAGA cult actually admire his bullying and domination of this 27 year old woman.
  4. He's too busy anesthetizing, intubating, ventilating, reviving and monitoring critically ill surgical patients, don't you know....
  5. No, she killed her chances by admitting to being a heartless B word...
  6. She's cooked. Even the National Review is calling her out. And the interview on CBS was just cringeworthy. She wouldn't say whether she met Kim but said she had removed the passage about him from her book. She thinks the cult is stupid and she's right. Luckily it's only 30% of the electorate. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/noems-dog-icidal-no-apology-tour-fails-to-convince/
  7. the justices unanimously signed a document explaining the rules of ethics. There was no "slamming" of D senators in the signed letter. You and the writer of this article are mischaracterizing it at best, lying at worst. The letter in no way implies that they unanimously agree that all members are following them. The chief justice's refusal to appear before a senate subcommittee based on the premise that few other justices have appeared before congress is weak but within his rights. This is the case example I alluded to: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21a272_9p6b.pdf. Others have cited other examples. Watch the hearings and find out.....
  8. The thread is about Uncle Clarence. If you can't keep up, drop out. Such language described by Orwell is called doublespeak. It is explained by William Lutz, author of the book “Doublespeak”, as language which “makes the bad seem good, the negative appear positive, the unpleasant appear attractive or at least tolerable. It is language that conceals or prevents thought.”
  9. Too bad the R operatives don't agree with the MAGA's here. She being the VP candidate would add a couple percentage points to the D ticket. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4642282-noem-scott-burgum-trump-vp/ “She’s just done, too much drama,” said one Republican senator who stays in touch with Trump.
  10. https://unherd.com/newsroom/the-strange-trajectory-of-tucker-carlsons-first-100-shows/ Genuine growth would come from working to broaden that declining base, not merely shoring it up. According to insiders, while the absence of a traditional corporate structure has granted Carlson increased autonomy, it has also eliminated a crucial layer of editorial oversight. These sources have noted a shift towards targeting a less discerning audience, emphasising sensationalism over substantive discourse in order to keep the attention of more credulous viewers — one insider notes a current “audience minus about 10-15 IQ points from the prime-time show” — interested in space aliens and Obama’s alleged gay trysts. Sounds about right.
  11. i'd like folks like you to disappear. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. But thanks for playing...Maybe a reading comprehension class would help. You mistook opacity for transparency. It's orwellian doublespeak and you're not good at it.
  12. read the article again. He ruled for opacity that stood to benefit trump and his own wife. "Alone among the justices, Clarence Thomas said he would have granted Trump’s request to keep the documents on hold."
  13. You're as intellectually dishonest as Thomas. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/supreme-court-allows-jan-6-committee-to-get-trump-presidential-documents#:~:text=6 committee to get Trump presidential documents,-Politics Jan 19&text=WASHINGTON (AP) — In a,6 insurrection.
  14. “Justice Thomas participated in cases related to Donald Trump’s efforts to rig and then overturn the 2020 election, while his wife was pushing to do the same. He was the lone dissent in a case that could have denied the January 6th Committee records pertaining to the same plot his wife supported. “At the bare minimum, Justice Thomas needs to recuse himself from any case related to the January 6th investigation, and should Donald Trump run again, any case related to the 2024 election.” Wyden speaking again to senators in the finance committee,
  15. what part do you disagree with? Be specific. he's documenting committee findings and Thomas refusal to respond. btw, the most obvious benefactor of his judicial largesse is his wife in regards to Jan 6.
  16. From the Senate floor (Wyden has much more knowledge on this than I do): https://www.finance.senate.gov/chairmans-news/wyden-statement-on-clarence-thomass-forgiven-quarter-million-dollar-rv-loan
  17. Ya mean like accepting free trips and a house from a private individual with interest in the court's decisions?
  18. Yeah, these folks don't like experts. They're "elites". Here's another stupid pol that doesn't bother to listen or enlist the help of experts: https://www.outdoorlife.com/opinion/kentucky-bill-legalize-killing-hawks/ Even if the bill passes, they'll still be huge federal fines. Following the rules isn't a strong suit for these people....
  19. not the same as you killing a hawk. Cool vid of a donkey guarding a chicken:
  20. you could have a big problem: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act and state laws make it illegal to kill, capture, possess (actual bird or parts of, including feathers), harass, or harm any bird of prey. Violations are punishable by fines of $5,000 to $250,000 or more, jail sentences, confiscation of possessions, and revocation of licenses.
  21. People actually spend their time making fake pi’s? Tell me it isn’t so
  22. No one has a cake. Not the patient nor the doctor. So how bout IUDs? thumbs up or down? Birth control pills?
  23. How far do you go? IUD’s work by preventing implantation of fertilized eggs. Should they be illegal? In biblical times they did camel birth control by similar means - a pebble in the plumbing. Are those folks in hell?
  24. Several times... What the f “doc”? Is that an East Indian reincarnation thing?
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