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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. And I'm not writing him off and calling him a bust because of a fumble and a dropped pass. Cook's drop pass was one of many today. Some had more than one and still got other opportunities to make up for it. Cook had 1 target and somehow people are actually claiming he's a bust because of a fumble in game 1 and a dropped ball in game 4. Unbelievable
  2. So if he's bad in practice, why would they put him in the game at all then? Let's at least try to use some logic here.
  3. And what you just said is just as much speculation as anything anyone else has said, but the fact remains, he hasn't been given many opportunities.
  4. All I know is the RB that turned the ball over today isn't named Cook, yet Cook who had one target today and dropped the ball, is somehow the problem here and according to many clowns in this thread are calling him a bust 4 games into the season.
  5. With all the drops today and another RB who coughed up the ball, it's hard to believe your focus is on the 1 drop Cook had in his one target. His opportunities? You mean opportunity considering he got 1 target today. A RB did turn the ball over today and it wasn't Cook.
  6. So if he's not going to get some real playing time, how is it people think they can accurately critique him, especially when this team's running game is near non-existent anyway and these vets you speak of aren't doing much of anything either?
  7. LMAO. You actually have to get a real chance to play to accurately critique a player. If you call 1 target today a real chance, I don't know what to tell you.
  8. Absolutely ridiculous to think anyone can accurately critique Cook 4 games in with few amount of touches he's had.
  9. Cook fumbled against LA, he got benched. Singletary coughs it up today, keeps playing. Let's not act like Cook has gotten a fair shake so far and anyone trying to claim he sucks based on a couple touches each game 4 games into the season doesn't know what they're talking about.
  10. Based on one dropped ball today? That's not really fair. Dropped passes were contagious today. Diggs dropped a sure TD. Singletary coughed it up. He's barely gotten a chance. Let's get him more involved in games, then make a critique. Make him the feature back next week. Give him 10 carries and a few pass targets and see how he does.
  11. I think the better topic when talking about Gabe is that it's pretty clear he is not healthy. A complete non-factor the last 2 games. He should sit until he's actually healthy and can make positive contributions. If he's playing hurt, playing is only going to prolong it.
  12. Saw that. That was a pretty hard collision. I'm glad he was able to hold onto the ball. This is not even close to the same defense if Hyde AND Poyer are out.
  13. The ball was gone. The defender hesitated, and then, even though the ball was gone, engaged and hit John high and knocked him down. If you don't think that gets called against Brady or Rodgers, let's just say I've seen both of them get calls nowhere near what this was.
  14. You can't hesitate and then hit a QB high after the ball is gone. That is called 10 out of 10 times if it's QB's like Brady or Rodgers. We finally got one to go our way for once.
  15. When it's a repeated offense, the case can be made. Had the huge comeback loss to Miami, then today's comeback. Statistically, I believe I saw they are ranked 32nd overall. Let's just say if they aren't considering canning him, he's probably not getting a nice Christmas bonus this year.
  16. Steelers seem to be one of those team that always gives us fits for some reason. Here's hoping the Bills get off to a better start next week so we don't need dramatic comeback wins.
  17. First half felt like the minds of everyone on the team were somewhere but on the field today. Not sure why that's what it seemed like, but they didn't give me a sense they came ready to play. The fact they were able to regroup, make the adjustments, and start holding onto the ball shows that as easy as it is to write them off after a bad half, they only went to the half down 10 and people shouldn't overreact. If you didn't see the score but saw how they played, you'd have sworn they should be down by 3 TDs. They did what they needed to do to pullout the W today in some not so nice weather. Hats off to them.
  18. Yeah, no letdown game next week, especially when they just lost to the Jets.
  19. It was suggested he was pissed at their play calling at the end, but I don't know for sure.
  20. I called the first half embarrassing outside of the score right before the half and I think the players would probably agree with me. They showed real guts though when they could've just rolled over and played a hell of a second half on both sides of the ball and should be proud.
  21. I can't remember the last season where injuries just kept continuing to hit us in the positions we could least afford it. We need a priest and some holy water stat. There's been some kinda curse or hex put on our guys.
  22. I don't know if Davis is simply not fully healed yet, but if he's not he needs to sit. He's been a non-factor the last 2 games and we'd be better off with a healthy guy in there. With the injury now to Crowder, I don't know if we can afford to sit him though.
  23. Considering he's on crutches and wearing a boot, I think that's what's about to happen. Shakir will be the one playing anyway.
  24. I think Cook had one play. Dropped pass, but those were contagious today. Diggs dropped what I'm sure he would otherwise call an easy catch and TD.
  25. Which is the wrong call IMO, especially in a wet game. You get the opportunity late in the game to get a lead, you take it. You have no idea what might happen when the other team gets the ball. INT, fumble, you never know. To come away with nothing there though gives the advantage to the opponent because now they only need a FG to beat you.
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