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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. LOL, I'm just going to prop you up here in the corner until the Bills win. Thanks.
  2. Very true, but that was on the Bills. If your offense is on the field for almost the equivalent of 3 entire quarters, your QB is throwing 63 passes, the receivers having to run that many routes, and the OL having to hold that many blocks, they are going to be tired even if it's not that hot.
  3. I hate games like this. Based on how things go with us, we will make this kid look like Tom Brady 2.0 coming off the bench to replace a hurt Drew Bledsoe. I know, I'm a pessimist. Can you blame me though? When the Bills win, it's a great surprise, but if they lose, I'm never really disappointed since I expected it.
  4. I remember that game well. Bubby Brister was the Steelers QB. Kelly was over 300 yards, TT had over 100 rushing, and Reed and Beebe were both over 100 yds receiving. The offense was really clicking that day against what was normally a tough Steeler defense led by Rod Woodson and Co.
  5. It's not as if. I didn't read the OP at all, lol. I just read the title.
  6. At halftime, I sacrificed a goat and drew the buffalo on my living room wall with the blood. No, not really. One of my dachshunds came and sat with me in my recliner for the 2nd half of the game. Now he has to sit with me every week.
  7. The football gods smiled on Josh and decided they owed him one after having to endure a sexual assault last week.
  8. Yeah, even though we haven't won anything yet, Josh Allen is a special player and we are lucky to have him.
  9. Losing sucks, but in hindsight, I would've taken a couple basement finishes if it meant truly getting to rebuild this team and not suffer in the depths of mediocrity for years and being given false hope year after year that some old, tired, retread coaches, couple free agents and some uninspiring draft choices were going to be what was going to pull us out of our deep funk.
  10. Mediocrity is the same or worse than being bad in my book. You're either a playoff team or you're everyone else. Being mediocre is worse than being bad because you're not a playoff team and you're not going to get great draft picks either, which I think was part of your point there at the end.
  11. The Bills might as well have not existed through most of the Brady/Manning Era anyway. We were that bad.
  12. We don't need new threads about it every Monday, but since it does exist, people are going to comment on it and how it was extra special terrible this week. So many missed calls all around, this game should be a candidate for disciplinary action by the league. I expect better from NFL-level zebras. If they can't hack it get 'em outta here. I'm sure there's plenty of collegiate refs that would love a shot at it.
  13. Bingo. People don't understand this (or don't want to), but the heat is a quick and easy excuse instead of simply acknowledging the Bills had numerous trips into Miami territory and couldn't put the ball in the endzone. It's a lame excuse. We beat them 35-0 last year. If we had won, nobody says a word about it. They might have said, yeah, it was super hot out there, but nobody would be making excuses and trying to blame the heat.
  14. It was not 10 degrees hotter. I even looked it up on the weather almanac. Air temp was 88 last year, 89 this year with the same dewpoint (humidity).
  15. I never heard it and Josh never said anything about not feeling great on Kyle Brandt's Basement. He specifically said he felt a little sore, but physically he was fine. I think people are making a lot of assumptions that are being turned into statements that were never said.
  16. What? The Hurricane had absolutely NOTHING to do with our game. Literally nothing. And last year, when we beat them 35-0, the temp was within ONE degree of this game with identical humidity. The Bucs literally evacuated to Miami. https://www.buccaneers.com/news/bucs-evacuate-to-miami-week-4-kansas-city-chiefs-hurricane-ian
  17. Because some people need an excuse to try and explain how it was the heat and not the Bills inability to put the ball in the endzone, despite multiple trips into Miami territory, that was the reason for the loss.
  18. I thought our punting situation was going to be a nightmare after what happened, but Martin has come in and made our punting game stellar. Not that we do it much, but when we do, we can't count on a good outcome. I actually prefer Martin to that person that shall not be named because Martin is known for his ability to pin the opponent deep, where the other dude really just had a monster leg.
  19. That was the best part of that hold. Like why don't you make it a little more obvious you're guilty. lol
  20. I don't even think Mahomes will be the key in the game. Of course we have to do our best to try and contain him, but I think the Chief's running game is more important here. If the Chiefs are able to run the ball on us the way they did against Tampa, there is no doubt in my mind we lose that game.
  21. The Diggs trade had a lot of hype and expectations, but not nearly as much as what happened when Terrell Owens came to buffalo. It was so bad when Owens came, the response was literally embarrassing. Buffalo gave Owens the key to the city for cryin out loud. And in reality, Diggs has meant 10X as much to this org than Owens could ever have dreamed of.
  22. No big surprise there. His brain was scrambled eggs before the Cincy game.
  23. I prefer Shakir more anyway and did before this week's game. Shakir reminds me of a more athletic Beasley. Crowder never impressed me and doesn't have the shiftiness of a Beasley or Shakir. Crowder was always meh to me at Washington and with the Jets. Not sure why we signed him anyway even though I wish him a speedy recovery. Shakir just needs to remember to block when he's supposed to.
  24. They all do, but when you hesitate, and then decide to hit him anyway after the ball is gone, that is a penalty. We got flagged last week for clearly trying to hold up and avoid the collision. We got a dude this week who hesitates and then makes a conscious decision to NOT try and avoid the hit and instead decides to engage the QB and hit him after the ball is gone. And now it's like you want to argue the latter isn't really a penalty when I've seen lesser than that called for roughing.
  25. So why are we defending the zebras then if it was a horribly called game? Who benefited the most shouldn't matter. The best part of it is how the blocker put his hands up after like he didn't do anything after blatantly holding him for several yards as Jackson blew by him.
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