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Everything posted by Billz4ever

  1. I hope he keeps doing what he's doing but takes some drills with the WR/TEs this week to remember what catching the ball feels like 😂.
  2. Because he had a drop on one of the only plays he was in on? Diggs dropped a TD today. You have to give him a real chance. Judging him on one play when Singletary coughed it up today isn't fair. Let him be the feature back for a game. Let him get 10 carries and some targets catching and let's base our critique on some real playing time.
  3. They're idiots, but there were some pretty eybrow raising calls by Bal there. Going for it on 4th down instead of kicking the FG for the lead and then the decision to use the timeout there the play before Josh kept it for the first down. They should've let the Bills score. But that takes nothing away from the the Bills scoring right before the half to get it back to only down 10 and then not allowing any points the second half. The Bills showed guts today. They could've easily just let the game get out of control, but they knew they could comeback. If Miami could against that team, so could we.
  4. Yeah, was a stretch to call roughing there, but he hurt his case the way he stopped then hit him high. Had he just gone in and hit him, I bet there's no call. In my book it makes up for the couple obvious not called holds on our pass rushers.
  5. First half was about as ugly as a half can look, but this team showed guts and didn't quit. Kudos.
  6. Thanks. Didn't know. That's all I was looking for, bro. Lol
  7. McD can't manage a clock whatsoever. Wasted what? 20 seconds there?
  8. If you knew nothing about either team, by watching this game you would think the Bills had the 32nd ranked defense and Baltimore had the best.
  9. How the whole thing went down from last week to this week's game seems real shady to me. Miami has some explaining to do as this week simply looks like an extension of last week and what happens to a guy already concussed and gets a head snap back hit again.
  10. Nothing but click bait and red meat for the homers. If your choice for MVP has changed 4 times in 3 weeks like these people's have, they need to explain to me why I should listen to a single thing they have to say.
  11. It simply seems like a lot of people have unrealistic expectations of what it means to bring in RB when your line hasn't been able to get a push or open holes even if that RB is better than what you have currently.
  12. Crazy how fast it seems some people have written this dude off already. I've never understood the coaching mindset of some teams who always bring in a certain backs simply on 3rd or passing downs because of their pass catching ability. You're telegraphing your plays. Not saying we're doing that, but it feels like he's being used more as a pass catcher/route runner and teams will pick up on that. Anyone who watched Cook in college knows he can run the ball. I'm all for giving him more playing time. He's a dual threat. The further we can get from his 1st carry fumble, the better off we'll all be. Build his confidence.
  13. Yes, you can imagine, dream, wish upon a star and make up hypotheticals. We don't know and will never know.
  14. The guy ain't barry sanders and if he's getting met in the backfield, he's not going to be creating much of anything. Not even mentioning what he would cost.
  15. And how many drives did we watch that very game where they were unable to get the ball in the endzone? Had they been able to do that on any of the many possessions they had deep into Miami territory, we wouldn't even be having this conversation because they would've won the game without needing any late game heroics. Given the struggles to get it in the endzone, only needing a FG to win was probably best case for them. They had a minute and a half to get into FG range. They were physically spent and couldn't get it done. End of story.
  16. We had a minute and a half to get into field goal range. Our offense was completely gassed and we blew it. No need to over analyze.
  17. The Bills are $7.6M over the cap next season and this is the list of all our free agents. People can't even explain how we hold on to all the good ones on this list, nevermind how we're going to be able to sign big name new ones.
  18. Exactly. I don't know why so many people think if we just get Barkley, all our running game problems are solved.
  19. That's not an exaggeration either. I've meet people that think that.
  20. These are the type of people who also think as long as they have checks in their checkbook, they have money.
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