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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I was at the game. I thought he was going to trade punches with DeAngelo Hall. They both were really chirping at each other. It was like watching Rob Ray vs. Tie Domi.
  2. I agree. Show the guy some respect. I hope I own an NFL franchise when I am 89.
  3. It is a very surreal experience to watch a Buffalo sporting event outside of Buffalo but surrounded by Buffalo fans. Surreal but awesome.
  4. Jason Peters caught a touchdown pass from Losman in the first game of 2005. Why didn't they run the tackle eligible play in goaline situations with Losman at QB?
  5. Denney caught a TD pass in week one. Where was he today? How come they didn't call two or three more fake FG passes?
  7. I am paraphrasing, but the last line of Bruce's speech at halftime was: "I will leave you with this last statement. The best defensive end and pass rusher of all time played for the Buffalo Bills." He was always very modest.
  8. Please DO NOT be an ass at the Ralph. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...=71307&st=0 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry786094 Thanks.
  9. That's why this is an awesome signing. Darcy must have hired a hypnotist.
  10. Verizon hasn't provided reliable communication services in 15 years. I hate their company but I love to diss it on internet message boards.
  11. As many people in this thread have already, nobody is complaining that Spanish speakers speak Spanish. They are complaining that the majority of people in the country (English speakers) are having to accommodate the MINORITY all in the name of preserving cultural heritage. I would have absolutely no problem learning Spanish, Chinese, etc. if my professional success depended on it. I wish the USA would make one OFFICIAL language so that people wouldn't use the "we don't have an official language argument."
  12. I don't know if this would make me a bad GM, but I wouldn't even draft someone like this. I don't care how good he is. I absolutely loathe people who do stupid things like this.
  13. I honestly would bench that guy and suspend him for at least a game.
  14. What was the spread on this game? Is Eddie on the take?
  15. I have seen Pominville at the Ralph and have heard 2nd hand accounts of Campbell and Connolly also attending and rooting for the Bills.
  16. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=71861
  17. I also would like to know some places like that. El Palenque on Sheridan and Eggert (used to be a Denny's) is pretty good and cheap, but none of the stuff looks like those dishes Chef Jim was showing. Labbatt, where is El Canelo?
  18. That was really awesome. I can't believe two things: 1. UB actually has a good football team. 2. I was excited about the win.
  19. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? I AM HUNGRY FOR GENUINE MEXICAN FOOD!
  20. Last time I was able to make it, but I ran. The airport has a monorail/shuttle that goes through the terminals. Thirty minutes is risky but I like risk.
  21. It's crazy, but I've never been in a fist fight at a Bills game. I don't know how I managed it. Somehow I've also managed to never set my house on fire.
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