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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I was born in 1980 in Buffalo. My name really is Joe Ferguson. My father is a Bills fan. His father was a Bills fan. My mother's father was a Bills fan. My uncle is a Bills fan. Do you think it's a coincidence that I was given the same name as the starting Bills quarterback? I don't have any one first memory of the Bills. I was born a Bills fan, it is my birthright. I have three brothers and they are Bills fans. When we were kids we moved throughout the country...California, back to Buffalo, Pennsylvania, Tennessee. I always proudly displayed my loyalty to the Bills. I wore all my Bills stuff to school in Pennsylvania the day after the first Cowboys Super Bowl and was really ridiculed for it. I have a hard time identifying with people who could just loosely follow the most successful team of the day (bandwagoners). Today if I meet a Buffalo native who says they aren't a Bills fan I really have a hard time understanding them. Abandoning the Bills is like abandoning your country, your roots. If you are a Buffalonian who doesn't root for the Bills, how can I trust that you won't stab me in the back someday the same way you've stabbed your hometown in the back? My grandfather and uncle have had season tickets since the 2nd year Rich opened. My grandfather died four years ago. I now attend all the games with my uncle. I have so many fond memories going to the game as a kid and watching all the crazy people drink themselves into a stupor (I thought it was funny). The coolest thing for me was giving high fives to perfect strangers every time the Bills scored. I still love doing that! There is a speech that Billy Crystal gave in City Slickers about how going to the Yankees game with his Dad was the best day of his life. I still get that same feeling of nostalgia every time I go to the Ralph, and will admit that on opening day I get a little misty during the national anthem. I love to call my dad and brothers on game day to lament about the highs and lows of the Bills. Bonding with your family over the Bills is probably something that sounds ridiculous to outsiders but completely normal for me and probably anyone reading this thread. For a while my girlfriend didn't quite understand it, but now I think she does. I buy in to all those NFL films videos with Tim Russert and Vincent Gallo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaEfWYqVy7Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PlWZDZboQw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PlWZDZboQw Sometimes I really feel like that "We are the BILLS" guy that loses it in this video: When the Bills win it all, I am going to admit right here that I will cry tears of joy. I was born a Buffalo Bills fan and I will die a Buffalo Bills fan.
  2. I sat in that endzone and was extremely pissed to be surrounded by Steelers fans.
  3. Can I have some examples? I wasn't being a smart ass before.
  4. I do not think the two hits are comparable. Connolly had no idea he was going to be hit and his face/forehead slammed square into some guy's shoulder. He had no chance to brace himself and the initial impact of the hit was absorbed directly by his head. The initial impact of Wilson's tackle is absorbed by Trent's chest. I don't think it was until the back of Trent's head hits the ground that the concussion probably occurred. Trent knew the hit was coming so you could say he had a chance to brace himself. People on the board have said Trent was joking and talking after the game, which I doubt Connolly was capable after his blow to the head. I've had my head slam head first into a shoulder before while playing hockey. You don't feel right for the rest of the day, you go home and puke and then the next day you feel fine. I am hoping this is the type of "concussion" that Trent suffered.
  5. Could somebody PM me when it's time to start buying?
  6. Last year JP is knocked out on the 3rd play from scrimmage against New England. Trent plays the rest of the game but JP gets credit for the loss. This year Trent is knocked out on the 3rd play from scrimmage against Arizona. JP plays the rest of the game but Trent gets credit for the loss. In both cases the defense played like crap. Why don't they get credit for the loss?
  7. I am a Time Warner subscriber in Eggertsville. I did exactly what stuckincincy described. I had a coax-to-pigtail adapter lying around. I get channel 4.1 (the digital broadcast of WIVB) WITHOUT even using a coat hanger. Thanks, SIC!
  8. I watched the whole thing. Great show but now I am a wreck. I think that was the greatest Super Bowl of all time. Every time I watch the kick go wide right I am transformed back to the 10 year old kid who cried himself to sleep that night. If the Bills ever win it all I probably will go crazy.
  9. Do you think you would have been content if you only spent 50k on records?
  10. If you don't plan on selling, they're worthless. I'm not asking what they're worth, I'm asking what you spent. Also, I'm not claiming to be the king of penny pinchers (although I may be coming off as pompous). Over the years I have purchased my fair share of crap. These are the same questions I ask myself when I start reflecting on my own financial situation.
  11. I wasn't trying to be a smart ass. I really want you to calculate how much you've spent on your record collection. I have a sh------- record collection but somehow I still manage to enjoy my life.
  12. Calculate how much you have spent in your lifetime on your vinyl record collection. Then take that number and do a quick calculation on how much you would have today if you had invested that money. The people who are taking the counterargument with you are the ones who decided not to excessively blow their money on stuff they didn't need.
  13. So she adopted the kids so she could get the child support from the government? Then she kills the kids? She deserves to be tortured to death.
  14. Billy Brooks was a possession receiver that played for us for a few years. He came from the Colts. Bucky Brooks was drafted by us and I'm not sure if he even made the team out of camp.
  15. GROSSBARD! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Airport
  16. I hear traveling to Indonesia is pretty cheap. Just take a vacation there, find him and ask for your $800 back.
  17. what's the myspace link? How old is the guy?
  18. That slows down my browser and makes stupid noises. Those two reasons alone will make me LESS likely to read the article. Just give me plain text. Why do you think we like TSW so much? You minimize the clutter.
  19. I do not think the bailout will work. It is only prolonging the inevitable.
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