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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry786094
  2. I realize there are two extremes to this argument. While I may come across as taking the Altar Boy side of the argument, I usually handle myself in the way you just suggested. Believe it or not, I HAD A BEER at the game yesterday. Somehow, I was able to not piss anybody off enough to have them want to fight me. I think you and I are on the same page for the most part. You are saying you have fun, but at the same time you are also saying that you are considerate to those around you. I am criticizing the people who think they are entitled to puke on themselves and block everyone's view. Usually if someone pisses us off enough, it's easiest to just get the usher. Especially since we've had the same usher in our section for the last year or two, so he knows us and he knows when the amateurs are getting out of line. I have been to several home playoff games.
  3. Do you think you would enjoy it if someone stood in front of you for the entire game, even when you politely asked them to sit?
  4. How many games do you attend per year? Did you go yesterday? How many games have you attended in the last 5 years?
  5. 1. Open a restaurant that serves low-quality, greasy food that is prepared quickly and cheaply. 2. Stay open all night, market to drunk people. 3. Profit. Examples: Mighty Taco, Jim's Steakout, Denny's, White Castle, etc.
  6. I would like to make this my annual "Please don't be a douche when you go to the Ralph" post. I am a season ticket holder. I go to all the home games. I go to the Ralph to watch football live. I do not go to get drunk. I do not go to start fights with other people. I GO TO WATCH FOOTBALL. I realize that there are times during the game when you have to stand up. I also would like those of you that only go to one or two games a year to realize that it is considered impolite to stand for the ENTIRE game. Especially when you are politely asked by the person behind you to sit down. Also, if no one is standing in front of you, you should be sitting. Yesterday some skanky women in front of us wouldn't sit down. When we all politely asked them to sit, their response was, "Next time you should pay for better seats if you can't see the field." Not everyone who goes to the game is capable of standing in order to see over the person ahead of them. There are many young kids and elderly people who are physically burdened by the constant sit-down/stand-up routine. Just remember, those people ALSO paid $70 for their ticket, so please don't ruin their fun by blocking their view.
  7. Dude, I was saying the same thing. I really feel like I won something. You've got balls and I like that. You are a true rounder.
  8. I agree wholeheartedly. If I were to wear a pair of pants which allowed my testicles to hang out, I wouldn't be shocked or offended if people were staring. What else should I expect?
  9. I once saw JP at an Incubus concert during his rookie year.
  10. 1st: 1988 Ford Taurus Black, maroon cloth interior. 2nd: 1992 Buick Century, sky blue. It was an old lady's car, but it had some power.
  11. Stern hasn't been funny in 15 years. I hate him but I love to diss him on message boards.
  12. I should have clarified how son and daughter are on the title. Original title holders are: Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad divorce: Dad gives his 1/2 interest in property to son and daughter. Does this mean son and daughter only own 25% each of interest in property?
  13. Three people have their name on the title of a house: 1. A mother 2. The son 3. The daughter The mother dies. What happens to the title, is it owned by (A) The estate of the mother, the son, and the daughter or (B) The son and the daughter I do not know if the three way joint ownership was originally classified as one with "right to survivorship" or otherwise. What I can say is that the online property parcel listing and the Property Tax bill both only list two owners (son and daughter).
  14. If someone says "F*cking do it again" to a police officer already threatening him/her with billy club, I have no sympathy for them. Maybe the police officer overreacted, but we have no context to this video. Be calm, polite, and respectful to armed police officers and only then do you have the right to complain if you get roughed up. DON'T TAZE ME BRO.
  15. Yes, but G. Host is implying in his letters that the school board is forcing students to take the exam.
  16. Since when is taking the SAT a mandatory part of high school curriculum?
  17. Would you perhaps be interested in the "pipe" smoker euphemism jokes?
  18. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0467197/ Max Payne the movie.....
  19. Tom, thank your wife for me. I just did a search on the Erie county clerks website. My mom has an obscure first name. An old property transaction that my parents made in the 1980s has my mom's name misspelled into a man's first name. That might be what I should do. I called an attorney and he told me he charges $500, and I don't even think that includes all the extra 3rd party services. Since this is going to be a cash deal, we're not going to have to deal with a bank, so maybe I can avoid dealing with an attorney.
  20. A few rhetorical questions, feel free to answer them if you are in the know: 1. What services does a real estate attorney provide? 2. If I have to pay a 3rd party for a search/survey, new title/deed, etc., then why do I even need an attorney? 3. Wouldn't it make a lot of sense for all public records/property surveys to be filed electronically and then searchable online for a fee? 4. Do you think it's a bad idea to not use a real estate attorney?
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