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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. Trent has a strong aversion to the cold. Make him practice outside.
  2. No, but Marty Schottenheimer sat next to me. He said he was flying in for an interview.
  3. Last night I was flying back to Buffalo. My connection was in Atlanta. Here is who I saw: (1) Ron Pitts, walking with an attractive blonde wearing an "NFL on Fox" hat. (2) Some girl I knew from college who I had not seen in 5 years. (3) Steve Tasker was on my flight back to Buffalo. (4) Bob Barr, Libertarian candidate for President.
  4. Aren't you a high school teacher? If so, I hope your students don't read this.
  5. Perhaps if he meant "1st career defensive touchdown" he should have said that.
  6. We all know that Leodis McKelvin's first career TD was LAST WEEK, and Dan Patrick is a dope.
  7. My uncle is a bus driver and unionized. Most of those guys are reliable, hard working people. There are, however, a small percentage of dimwits who do abhorrent things and are still able to keep their jobs because the union fights for them. For example: Some driver was caught on the in-bus surveillance camera sh*tting on the bus. I will repeat that......sh*tting on the bus. Actually squatting and taking a sh*t in the aisle. He was in the union, and the union went to bat for the guy. So what happens is, from that point on, the management will now stereotype every union member as a guy who is capable of sh*tting on the bus. If there was not a union, that guy would be fired without question, and THAT's the way it should be.
  8. That play was destined to be a no gainer. I like Steve Johnson. James Hardy looks clumsy and overwhelmed in many situations.
  9. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress....-cat-stupid.jpg
  10. I was at the game. Although my evidence is only anecdotal, I thought the crowd was extremely tame, especially by Buffalo standards for a night game. I didn't see any fights.
  11. From this week's program, Q & A with Trent Edwards: That is your franchise QB talking, folks. HE SHOULD NOT AVOID THE COLD, HE SHOULD FACE IT AND CONQUER IT!
  12. Those "pings" are known as "soft pulls". They do not affect your credit score. "Hard pulls" can only occur with your permission, in the event that you are applying for new credit, and hard pulls are the kind that affect your credit score. http://www.mymoneyblog.com/archives/2006/0..._soft_cr_1.html It's possible that your credit score went down because score reporting agencies are supposedly changing their scoring algorithms in light of the credit crunch. Perhaps your amount of outstanding debt hadn't changed, but now the scoring algorithm perceives your amount of debt more of a risk than before (thus, the lower score).
  13. I saw a guy put a can of beer in his sock (around his ankle). Nobody was patting below the waste at Gate 8.
  14. Reports coming out of Franklin, TN confirm that realtruelove watched the Bills game today.
  15. Ever hear Roscoe try to string a sentence together?
  16. McCain was born in the Panama Canal zone, technically considered US soil... http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/02/28/america/28mccain.php
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