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Everything posted by DrW

  1. This was one of their first songs where the Beatles really did not care any more if it could be played live. These guys pulled it off. 801 was a project by Phil Manzanera and Brian Eno.
  2. I had posted this previously in the "Share your music thread". "Eleanor Rigby", using Sugarcane Harris' violin in a very different way than the string octet in the Beatles' original. I especially like the bass by Victor Conte.
  3. John Lennon is supposed to have approved of this version.
  4. Let's continue our collection of rock songs in unorthodox meters. Today, songs in 7/4.
  5. Here locally they recommend that you show up at the mass vaccination site one hour before closing. If they have shots left, you will get one, regardless of age, co-morbidities, etc. Of course, it is possible that there are no shots left - that is your risk. My daughter (who is 20) git her first shot last Saturday. She actually ran the 10 miles from our home to the vaccination site (she is training for a half-marathon).
  6. Moderna. First shot at the end of January (Texas priority 1B), no aftereffects at all. Second shot at the end of February; no fever, but some muscle pain, not only at the injection site. Played it up a bit, to avoid yard work for the weekend. Then wifey asked if I, instead of doing yard work, could help her a bit with her NIH grant. So, instead of 4-6 hours yard work, I spent 12+ hours proofreading, editing, and making diagrams.
  7. Covers of the Beatles' "Help". Bananarama's version does not offer anything new, except that they look good in the video. The most memorable fact (IMHO) is that one of the backing vocalists is Jennifer Saunders of "Absolutely Fabulous" fame. Deep Purple make it "heavy", using the Vanilla Fudge approach - slow it down, add some organ. Cathy Berberian's baroque version And finally, Australian singer John Farnham, with the Elton John approach.
  8. You better not tell her that Franklin Park Zoo also has Kiwis (their first chick recently hatched). Otherwise, you might end up in Boston.
  9. DrW

    Name This Person

    Correct, it is young Carlos.
  10. DrW

    Name This Person

    Who is this young gentleman?
  11. In September 1990, I came to Rochester as as a postdoc. On Mondays, all the other people in the lab and my "boss" were talking about "the Bills". I decided to give it a shot and started to watch a few Bills games, and I found the game of American football utterly confusing. More into the 1990/91 season, the rules and the game itself became more obvious to me. Thus, there is no precise date I can put on my earliest memory, but I can still remember how disappointed and sad I was after Super Bowl XXV. Fast forward, my son, who was born in Rochester in 1999, is now an avid Bills fan, although we moved to Texas when he was just 4.
  12. It is amazing how "Southern" a band can sound that consists of four Canadians (one of them writing most of the music and the lyrics) and one guy from Arkansas.
  13. DrW

    Name This Person

    We have a winner! Princess Elizabeth, future Queen of England, and her sister Margaret.
  14. DrW

    Name This Person

    Who is the young lady on the left?
  15. From more than 50 years ago: No guitars, but strings and very primitive synthesizers (pre-Moog) - way ahead of their time, including the lyrics. Sorry, no video - they only lasted for one LP.
  16. I put up a suet feeder and a tube feeder with black oil sunflower seeds shortly before Christmas. So far, I could identify 15 species visiting the feeders. However, only the pine siskins and house finches visit the feeders themselves regularly; sometimes, a cardinal or a red-winged blackbird will make an attempt. Most of the other species will just survey the ground under the feeders to pick up seeds that fell to the ground. Among the rarer visitors there are a curved-billed thrasher and a spotted towhee. A few weeks ago the feeders attracted a bird that was not attracted to our offerings, but to the birds which were feeding - a Cooper's hawk. These accipiters are extremely agile (they have shorter wings than other hawks), and its moves were impressive. However, our regular visitors fled into a nearby rosebush, and the hawk could not get to them.
  17. While most of you will know Dave Brubeck's "Take Five", a quintuple meter is very rare in rock music. Two examples...
  18. What are .05 sacks? He was 1 of 20 guys involved? 🙂
  19. DrW

    Name This Person

    The guy they are talking about in the R&R Hall of Fame thread, Fela Kuti?
  20. DrW

    Name This Person

    I got the father. I just don't know which of his two sons it is.
  21. Looks like a female House Finch.
  22. I especially enjoy rock music that is not written in the standard duple (1-2-1-2-...) or quadruple (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1) metre. Before we go to more complicated rhythms, here is an example of triple metre (a "waltz")
  23. DrW

    Name This Person

    That was a really difficult one. Maybe this is a bit easier...
  24. When they were still innovative and before they became soft-rock balladeers
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