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Everything posted by JakeFrommStateFarm

  1. The sports firm representing Pegula will work with local government to put a tax hike on the ballot to fund the stadium. If it's voted down "The Sports firm" will theaten to leave Buffalo. This same thing happened with Atlanta and San Diego. San Diego voters voted down the tax hike multiple times
  2. I think Jones could be good. In college he threw the deep ball with alot of touch and accuracy. He's a smart kid too. Newton probably starts the season but if they go 2-6 or so, Jones will be inserted into the starting lineup. He'll struggle at first but could go on a run towards the end of the season. I don't see the pats challenging the Bills until next season
  3. No. No team will want Daboll. In fact if the Bills underachieve this season he could be fired
  4. I wish the Colts would trade for Fromm. He's actually a better QB then Trubustsky
  5. Fromm !!! Stevenson will make the team. There will be no doubt about it !
  6. So during the Civil War, the union troops marched into North Carolina for a major battle with the confederacy. Instead of encountering stiff resistance from the confederacy, many confederate troops instead of fighting just turned tail and ran. Yes, they deserted their positions handing NC to the union with almost no resistance. Later the confederate generals reflecting on the crushing defeat said "We should have put put a little tar on the heels of the confederate soldier so they would stay and fight instead of running off like cowards". The name stuck and to this day the university of North Carolina is called the Tar Heels.
  7. Looks like unvaccinated players are going to be much lighter in the wallet. "According to ESPN.com, the league will fine unvaccinated players $14,650 for each violation of the league's COVID-19 protocols, such as not wearing a mask in areas where it is mandated to do so, or attending a crowded, indoor event. " https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-will-fine-unvaccinated-players-14650-for-violating-covid-protocols/
  8. I'm wondering what they could have been arguing about. Which team is less horrible?
  9. The vaccinated spreading to unvaccinated players will be almost impossible to prove since vaccinated players rarely if ever get tested before infection. Unvaccinated players get tested daily so it will look like the unvaccinated just caught it through chance. It will be much easier to catch infection if you're tested daily. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2021/6/16/22537177/nfl-nflpa-covid-vaccination-rules-2021
  10. This thread is useless without pictures 😀
  11. I'll take a stab at it. Yards per attempt (YPA) is simply total yards divided by total attempts or carries. Total Yards/total attempts But there's more. Looking at stats posted earlier in the thread there is something interesting that stood out. Zack Moss 7 games. 59 att 224 yards 3.79 avg YBC/Att- 1.7 yards 41st YAC/Att - 2.1 21st Att/Br - 6.6 2nd 8+D% - 15.25 32nd His Yards before contact is terrible, however we can blame the Bills poor run blocking oline for this. His Yards after contact is bottom 3rd in the league (21st) which is pretty average. What really stands out is he's 2nd in the NFL at breaking Tackles. He breaks alot of Tackles getting out in the open field driving his YPA up. In fact he's behind "Only Nick Chubb, Derrick Henry, JK Dobbins, and Dalvin Cook" So these stats mean he's a far better RB than what he gets credit for on this board.
  12. If he settles out of court and pays the young lady to drop the charges, I say we bring him in for a look
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