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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. Anyone else surprised Jimmy B didn't mention Bernie Fine?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO64urOFNaY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  3. Weren't we just discussing this very subject yesterday????
  4. It wasn't pretty...but congrats Coach Boeheim
  5. i'm watching the knicks/rockets game(while cuse is in halftime) and they just showed the garnett/mchale exchange...very emotional moment
  6. they were an awesome band. I am looking forward to this movie grohl is putting together..Bob Mould is a really interesting character
  7. y'all weren't too thrilled with him teaming up with Nirvana...how about teaming up with Bob Mould? Granted its a year old, but any Hüsker Dü is good in my book...
  8. Maybe the best one yet! And that's saying a lot!
  9. the Younger is by far the better beer....i think it gets ignored because its so hard to come by whereas the Elder is the one they make more of for distribution... funny Beer advocate even puts it higher than the one in the original post....i like how the elder comes in slightly behind it...must be tough to have that problem as a brewer http://beeradvocate.com/lists/popular
  10. Russian River Pliny the Younger is often considered the best beer in america...but of course it is very subjective based on personal preference
  11. zero argument here...but that said, if i like a band, I will argue that they are good to someone who may disagree...not necessarily to change their mind, rather to defend my stance. I pissed off a friend the other night during the 121212 concert when he said that daltreys voice sucked...i asked what show he was watching and he got his panties in a wad then backed off a bit by saying that he was never a daltrey guy...ok that's an argument i can accept, 'i didn't like daltrey tonight'...not 'daltreys voice sucked tonight'...it didn't, i don't see any argument for that, his voice sounded great...The 'Mats aren't for everyone, but I'd rather hear people say, 'eh...i am not a fan of their music, sound, etc...' it really irks me when they say they suck... I mean its not like it's country music...because everyone knows country music sucks...
  12. not having read every post in this thread....but i don't seem to see anyone mentioning that the shooter tried to buy a gun but was turned away because he didn't want to wait the mandatory 14 day wait for a background check...so the law worked and he was still able to get a gun....are more laws going to prevent another incident? I'm not a gun person, but I don't see this as a gun issue...this is a mental health issue, and frankly i am not sure who was the more 'effected' one here, the one who allegedly had autism/asbergers or the mother that had a son with these alleged issues but still kept a cache of high powered weapons in their house....
  13. The Replacements ...and there isn't a debate...they ARE good!!!
  14. and there is a big problem with our 'feature' back...he is not good at pass blocking...pretty big tip to the other team....
  15. how close are you to learning to pass block?
  16. as much as i like my beer, i have to say i have never heard of this beer...i have had what is considered the best beer in america, so if this is the best in the world, i'd be very interested to try it...wonder if any of my local joints will have it...
  17. Solid game..especially second half!! Can't wait for all the boeheim bashers...
  18. speaking of rubbing things on 'poels', I'll be right back
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