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The Poojer

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Everything posted by The Poojer

  1. there are a whole crapload of music cruises, they are becoming quite popular...i know a guy that does the jam cruise every year, he loves it...i'd love to do it but i can't afford it...
  2. Not a huge fan of that style, but I do enjoy Fatboy Slim. I also saw Skillrex this summer and he wasn't that bad. Enjoy.
  3. He was still alive??? That aside... :-(
  4. I can say with 100% certainty he wasn't at the flying pig...I was there as I am every Sunday during football season and as usual I was the only one there interested in The Bills.
  5. (NFL) contracts are iron clad and have never been broken before.
  6. Crock pot of meatballs & sausage, cheeses, summer sausage, shrimp & cookies...2 day pick fest...no formal meals
  7. what if the mayans were a couple days off and we all don't make it to 12/25? I hope we can express non-suckitude greetings before then....
  8. normally i am on your side on this one...but that was no ordinary 61 yard run...that had more cutbacks than the camden nj police department....(see what i did there?)...but seriously that was an incredible run....
  9. i wish i was lucky like him http://venturebeat.com/2012/04/14/wait-ashton-kutcher-might-actually-be-a-smart-investor/
  10. crap...you can see through my blankets??? that is so not fair.....
  11. oh dear lord, if they could get kay stephenson as an assistant coach it would truly be a christmas miracle...
  12. apparently kutcher is very good at investing money in tech companies...he supposedly has a boat load of money thanks to his savvy investing...i guess his stage and screen persona is very effective because I would never peg him as a smart business person...guess you should never judge people... but in the same week, demi and zooey become single? i am writing to santa for one of them under my tree....
  13. well let's be clear...you are not right...you went and pointed out that you thought the rest of us were posting old information....we will know when we know....and like many have intimated....it's thurman...i don't really think they trust him with too much sensitive information....
  14. so did i, mine showed 4:08...face facts...it's on your end...the rest of us are seeing it correctly, unless you manipulate the twitter settings like i did...it's ok to be wrong...we won't like you any less.... :-)
  15. your twitter settings must be set to pst....i just changed my settings and this is what i see...you have something set up incorrectly...the below screen shot shows the tweet with my twitter settings set to gmt-8
  16. r u logged into some sort of work network that is located on the west coast??
  17. Jack, i am showing it being sent at 4:08....am i missing something???
  18. good for her for getting the priorities straight...learn to be happy with who you are first...sadly most people do it in reverse and it just doesn't work...
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