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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. The great thing is that it means “generational” talent Sammy Watkins will be released. He was talking trash on Twitter during the games. See ya Mr. Glass
  2. It’s a stretch to think that even if we did go for it on all those possessions that we’d convert on every single one.
  3. This is where I am at as well. Kansas City and their fans are arrogant and are assuming they’ve already won the Super Bowl. I would love to see the devastation on their faces. If I had to bet, I’d put it all on Chiefs. I don’t think they’ll lose but I’m hoping Brady can pull one more SB masterpiece off
  4. Check Mahomes rating versus the blitz it’s disgusting. The answer is almost never to blitz Mahomes
  5. Sounds good in theory, but the problem is the Bills defense doesn’t really have the physical players to jam at the line. You miss on a jam you’re looking at a massive completion. That’s why the Bills elected to keep everything in front of them. Like McDermott said it’s pick your poison. If anything I hope this loss reinforced the idea that the defenses might have to be more versatile and athletic to keep up with a team like Kansas City. There are times when they’ll need to make a switch from predominately zone to man given the matchup. Not sure if the currently defensive players can do this well Whaley was a terrible GM and had no idea how to build a team. He didn’t have the ability or the vision to do what Beane and McDermott did. If you long for the days of Doug Whaley, I have no idea what to tell you.
  6. While I don’t think Doug’s criticisms were unwarranted, I do agree that it’s easy to criticize when your watching the AFC Championship on CBS and not competing in it.
  7. This is completely untrue. Manuel has nowhere near the athleticism, smarts, leadership or attributes that Allen did. Not comparable Or you could play man-to-man and get burned for a 71 yard completion
  8. I’m officially off the Edmunds train. He is just not very good. I’m tired of people using his age as an excuse. It’s becoming a tired cop out. So many rookies have come into the NFL at 21 or 22 and made a bigger impact. If I’m Beane, I don’t pick up the option and make him earn a second deal.
  9. The thing is, they did try to blitz and they switched to man as well. The results were actually worse than when they played zone. They basically tried everything but nothing worked. IMO the problems start with the defensive line and Edmunds.
  10. Sal explained this. If you miss on jam which often happens it’s impossible to recover given the speed of their receivers. That’s why they tried to keep everything in front of them
  11. He did try though. Look what happened on the goal when Kelcie was wide open and every time they blitzed Mahomes. It’s getting to the point where if you want get pressure with your front 4, Mahomes is going to destroy the defense
  12. The problem isn’t Frazier as much as it is a front 4 that doesn’t generate pressure and a MLB in Edmunds that isn’t physical and is easily fooled by fakes. If anytime the only pressure the Bills have gotten this year has been manufactured by blitzes or stunts / that’s all Frazier Besides if the issue is scheme, nothing will change - its McDermott’s defense. The problem is the Bills DL and LB’s....not Frazier
  13. Whaley and Monos hired McDermott. 4 months later McDermott fired them 🤣
  14. They haven’t been employed by an NFL franchise since they were ousted by McDermott
  15. The whole “morale” quote is somewhat taken out of context because moments later he admitted it was a mistake and that he would like to go for it at the end of the half. Of course, that never gets reported
  16. Like I said, he didn’t say anything that most fans haven’t. I think the resentment is there from fans because he was a pretty bad GM
  17. yep this is true and that’s why people are annoyed. Kind of like the guy who gets fired trying to tell you how to do your job
  18. This clip has generated a lot of interesting discussion. Whaley echoes what a lot of fans have said about McDermott. But because of past stint as GM, it’s pissed off a lot of fans. I’ll say this... I’ve listed to some of these podcasts and Doug isn’t really bitter. If anything he takes the high road and goes out of his way not to say anything critical. I feel that he doesn’t want to burn any bridges to get back to the NFL. I get why Bills fans are pissed though
  19. I think there were a few issues, first off the OL was beaten badly especially in the middle of the line. Made it hard to escape pressure. The second part is that there aren’t fast dump offs that Josh can make. I think Beane and company need to find more speed at RB and TE where Josh can dump the ball and make teams pay.
  20. We needed a good laugh. This is easily the funniest thing I’ve read since Saturday
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