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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Stalker ...how ya doing You've chosen to ignore content by Warren Zevon.
  2. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. Shoo
  3. He must be feeling like a second class citizen now that greggy has taken his d bag clown ppp title
  4. Nah not really defund defund, just pussyfoot around with the concept until after the election.
  5. If everyone just ignored them, and stopped copying and pasting their hatred they would go away. They are literally online stalkers.
  6. Factually incorrect. Can't have fascism without a dictator...we have the senate and the house so its just more word salad. As far as the racism BS, cut the crap greggy, democrats and blm don't care about blacks outside of elections years...anyone with half a brain knows all this is a political tactical nuke aka as "orangemanbad".
  7. https://rairfoundation.com/man-shoved-by-buffalo-riot-police-deletes-social-media-after-exposed-as-cop-hating-radical-agitator/ hmm of course there's always more to the story. watch this to the end, what he is doing with his cellphone ...the part they aren't showing on the news. Something told me grampa wasn't lost stumbling around lurching towards a police anti riot line. hes a total asshat...and you folks in Buffalo are about to have your taxes given to this fraud for his big payday.
  8. yikes.... worst mayor AND worst dancer...ever?
  9. I'm guessing his wife beats him, he seems really miserable.
  10. is it raysis if its against ayrabs imho it's prolly white middle aged males with makeup.
  11. Barr is the best. When I talk with liberals i use the same monotone low, deep inflection in my voice... they always get screechier and whinier the longer the conversation gets.
  12. https://news.yahoo.com/black-lives-matter-spray-painted-193448054.html Ah ...here is the real real agenda....
  13. If I had a business there I would get outta dodge quick too https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/06/09/minneapolis-manufacturer-outta/
  14. Democrats are in a real tough spot, they now need covid to come back and kill lots of people the economy to crash, and eliminating police to make sure Trump loses.
  15. So what about the 7000 black on black murders in 2019? For all the racist screeching ppp karens do those black lives matter? https://disrn.com/news/chicago-suffers-deadliest-day-in-60-years-with-18-murders-in-24-hours
  16. They don't teach US history anymore, it's too bad the young and brainwashed won't get it.
  17. ****projection alert**** as all your allies on this board call the rest of us all racists and nazis.
  18. Aw hell I hate being politically correct, but I have to say the first thought that went through my head when I saw that video was wow that was a nba level flop.
  19. Strange ....since every poll has Trump losing bad, Biden doesn't even need to do anything anymore being a complete lock, the economy is shot, why does the left cult still seem so frightened?
  20. Ill apologize with lunch when the 4 black youths who committed armed home invasion in my town a couple weeks back get down on their hands and knees, wash my feet and apologize for terrorizing law abiding citizens.
  22. Way too long didn't read OP... Also my middle name is Buck, and Buck doesn't give a **** Yep, unfortunately all I see is de-evolution right now running amuck.
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