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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Add attempting to de-fund the police to this wonderful list. Ah well, our country had a great run.
  2. We need the police to protect us from the hollywood crazies.
  3. I used to think these people were stupid, I'm not so sure, the brown shirt nazi tactics are working.
  4. Sounds as if folks are starting to panic that the riots are dying down, now they are day dreaming already and spreading nonsense that the cop is slated to get off to fan the flames. But, yea orangmanbad.
  5. Interesting how there's cameras everywhere, but they can't track people dropping off boxes of bricks? or more likely don't want to.
  6. Ok so you are here because you get your kicks by wasting your time lol. That makes you a dullard, a devoid shell.
  7. To be fair, the AP assures me that none of that looting ever actually happened. And based on today’s NYT and CNN.com homepages, none of the other events captured in the above videos happened, either. . also I bet it was all white people, except for the peaceful protesters
  8. Hey look, it's the American version of the Abbey Road album cover
  9. Looks the the ppp hypocrites as usual, getting beat down.
  10. dimwits can't meme. they can only copy, no originality whatsoever in thought or form. You are boring and slow.
  11. and of course you come back with pat cnn response, you are a dimwit ....always blame some else, always.
  12. Again, the usual cast of ppp dimwits will not address this.
  13. Here is an example of one of those facts that the low info ppp basement dwellers will never address.
  14. The libs on this board remind me of the gimp in pulp fiction.
  15. Know how you can tell the dimwit libs? They think that can sway people to their BS on a website...which makes the whole effort a useless waste of time on their part. You the scared "protesters"(wink wink) that sit home in moms basement? or you just get off on being hated, lol.
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