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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Yeah, Bar-Bill. Heard a ton about it then meh. Maybe it's a different Koch's? https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/302/4942/ I was introduced to 'weck when I was 7 or 8, so that was long before getting something "suitable" to wash it down. Maybe that colored my impression, trying to wash it down with a water (my parents would rarely allow us to drink "pop")? HAHA. I prefer light salt and massive spice, so the latter definitely goes with a nice Buffalo horsey sauce, sriracha, Marie Sharp's etc. Gamalon had a moment (or series of moments) too. I'm still such a fan of Bocce's, but... Having grown up in NT, Pizza Junction was a family go-to. I guess that it's long gone and that some of the folks started Good Guys or something like that?
  2. I tried to talk my wife into having Rick's lyrics as part of our wedding vows in 2008. Sounded funner in my head. Oops!
  3. I used to work with a guy who... starred in community theater with... Tom Wopat. Tom Wopat was paid for appearance, but I guess that nobody else was? https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2018/07/20/dukes-hazzard-star-tom-wopat-pleads-guilty-annoying-woman/810480002/#:~:text=Wopat was arrested in August,during rehearsals for the musical. I heckled TF out of him when he, as understudy, had to star in the play after Wopat was arrested.
  4. I keep forgetting to take a picture of it, but Wegman's in Niagara Falls has an aisle with the word POLISH on the aisle marker. I've always thought that the label was on brand for the region, no matter the context of the aisle marker.
  5. I used to like arguing on the internet. I'm a bit out of shape, but I can ramp.
  6. Love the beef, hate the roll. I swear that you could bait deer with it.
  7. Duff's. I don't like 'em. Koch's Golden Anniversary Beer. (Guess it's a Rochester thing, but allegedly my grandparents bought them on the cheap by way of coupons back in the day). 'weck rolls. Dyngus Day. I actually love the aim of this, but outside of Buffalo you tell people about it, and they look at you like you have two or more heads.
  8. Yes, I think that they used this as a reference when they created Pornhub, and I say this as a guy who's been happily married for more than 15 years.
  9. I'd rather make $14k/month listening to "Caress of Steel".
  10. My sister's cat has been attacking potential buyers of their home in Denver. They've been drugging the cat ahead of any showing. It's fabulous, oh, and I hate that cat anyways. Not a knee slapper by any stretch, but drugged cats are hilarious. I don't know if there's a band called Drugged Cats, because I haven't checked, but if there isn't one, then there should be.
  11. My family (thankfully) does not have a cancer history (it's heart issues instead), but when the body tells you something, it's wise to listen and to go to a doctor.
  12. Well, *****. Died on the same day as my mom, and same year (died in hospice care at Northgate in NT). Loved the smoke on Tina's voice, and most certainly she totally elevated stiletto heels, a look that I'm totally into to this day.
  13. My mom (RIP) loved Herb Alpert. As they started to clean out their house, my mom, knowing my affinity for listening to and/or of playing music gave me most of her record collection. This includes original printings of Elvis records, the Beatles, and yes, the man himself: Herb Alpert. It's kinda gameshow music, but at the same time it's delightful.
  14. One year (I live in Maine where one gets maybe 3-4 good months of convertible time each season) I tried to fire the MGB for the first time, and it was a no-go. So I popped open the "bonnet", and after watching some YouTube videos, I hot wired my own vehicle by using these alligator clips to circumvent the starter. Yup, the starter was bad. But goddamn, looking at the mechanics of that car made my head hurt, and I've worked on a LOT of cars over the years.
  15. Been there, in 2005/6, and glad that you're okay. My *****, like out of nowhere, swelled to the size of a grapefruit. My doctor (PCP) saw me first and I was sent immediately to a surgeon. The surgeon's eyes grew wide, and next thing you know they're shining a flashlight through my *****, in a dark room. I had an x-ray if memory serves, and then I definitely remember the ultrasound. It turned out to be a hydrocele, and I had surgery for it in January 2006. I had to wear this scrotal strap for two weeks, and standing up wasn't the best for at least a week. But I second the opinion of the OP: if something is amiss, see a doctor right away.
  16. My dad was a GM employee (Harrison Radiator), so based on my recollection from those days... 1974 Caprice SS 1977 Caprice Classic 1977 Camaro 1982 Buick Elektra 1984 Cadillac Seville 1989 Buick Regal 1986 Buick Century 2001 Buick Ultra 1998 (?) Oldsmobile Aurora And my own car purchases... 1998 VW Jetta (shittiest car that I've ever owned) 2001 GMC Yukon 2003 Saturn L300 2007 Toyota Yaris 2007 Toyota Matrix 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4d 2012 Toyota Prius V 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport 4d 2017 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid 1975 MGB (fun car if you really, really like working on cars, which I do)
  17. Colby jack is a new favorite, in particular on top of smoked burgers.
  18. All In the Family Family Ties ("hey look, this NICKnack is NICKed!") WKRP Jerry Springer
  19. Tiffani Thiessen was why I watched, cannot lie. For me it's "Battle of the Planets" (also known as Gatchaman or G-Force). I would wake up at 5am on Saturdays/Sundays to watch this anime extravaganza before my parents woke up-- and later watched the syndicated version on TBS. 15 years ago I bought the full DVD collection, and ended up hating it.
  20. "He left. He did nothing. He returned." -- Larry David
  21. Classic show, and likely an arguable point, but it changed humor on television: puffy shirts, self pleasure, fwb, bad boys, taking a carriage ride through NYC, psychosis, neurosis, race relations, briss, "bubble boy", heck, so many great, great episodes. I am not sure that if someone came up with a Seinfeld on broadcast tv in 2023 -- that they'd be able to pull it off. Seinfeld came up with the anti-hero genre, "Friends" riffed on it (can you think of another less likable set of people?), and the Sopranos and Breaking Bad perfected the genre.
  22. What some of these mamma jammas need to do is to "bulk up". I recommend several hard-boiled eggs before each practice, scrimmage, or game, should that movie be our guide.
  23. You remember that show House ( @HOUSE remembers) and how they would always be all like, "it's lupus" before they would decidedly say that it wasn't lupus -- til the end of the series when it was finally lupus and the patient died? People on my team kept asking "if I had a minute". Usually this meant quitting, so I was like, "stop that *****, and if you're gonna quit, then tell me that it's lupus then put some time on my calendar to discuss." People keep asking for a minute whilst telling me that it's not lupus. Success.
  24. The original "Halloween" or "Friday the 13th" were super, super scary. Now I just kinda cringe at reality tv, you know, me not watching tv that much anymore.
  25. His music was dour. I could not enjoy it more!
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