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Everything posted by ArtVandalay

  1. good win in the road vs a bad team with a niche running QB that was perfectly fit for conditions and you shut him down, great game for the defense. We never ran the ball as consistently as we have but that's okay, i feel like they are giving the team's passing game experience in these elements to refine their execution in said elements and that we will be executing at a higher level than opponents come buffalo in January. The one thing that disturbs me is the horrendous game management at the end of the half, McD out to lunch changing his mind on TOs and forfeiting a possession while down. Can't have it.
  2. Love it. Went for the kill. I don't think the Bears were thrilled with it which is why they delayed the inevitable spiking the ball in the final drive but that's okay. Needed that TD from Josh for fantasy football 😄 So a bad team made more mistakes, turned the ball over, and didn't execute well... yeah that's why they are not a good team 😄 Short, middle, deep 😄
  3. Cinci is a game we need to go to Diggs early and often. Would like to see him hit 1500 yards again.
  4. We aren't just taking about court of law, we are talking everyone immediately calling him a thug and pitch forks saying he should be canceled and fired from his job. None of that has to do with court of law. And actuality yes, those items i mentioned although he will be in some sort of legal trouble will directly impact severity and if jail is every a possibility. He could just get a fine, and probation. The other guy might also be in legal trouble depending what happened. But go ahead keep going through life making snap judgements with no facts based purely off your bias and sliver of knowledge without any understanding of facts. Im sure that will work out well for you. Pitch fork mentality has been so great for society 😆 Anyway we can agree to disagree... i like having facts before judging people, your don't, that's cool. Merry Christmas! If you see someone coming down your chimney he's not a burgler breaking in, just santa so don't rush to judgement on him.
  5. Dingleberry just ran into the 1 defender in the area and he was being blocked. Unreal
  6. Hell yes let's gooooooo pound the rock keep feeding Cook. 5 carries 81. Kid is hot.
  7. The entirety of the preceeding events. What led to this? For all you know prior to this this guy shot someone, raped someone, jumped someone from behind, he could have just robbed them with a knife or gun for all you know. Maybe he beat a women unconscious in the next room like Ray Rice. Maybe he walked up and exposed himself. Maybe he put his hand in his pants got the smell of his crotch on his fingers then shoved it in Willies face like Don Lemon did to a guy in a bar. Maybe he sexually assaulted a child. There's a million things that could have happened, we have no idea. Or it could have been stupid drama that made this entirely unacceptable. Maybe the guy did nothing and Wiilies group hunted an innocent man down. We'll know when the facts come out. Like a normal, reasonable adult, I'll reserve judgement until then. I won't be campaign for him to be fired from his job and thrown in prison until i know what actually happened. Or you can act off emotions and bias and demand he be fired, never work on tv again, and thrown in prison for 3-5.
  8. Yes beating your WIFE unconscious then dragging her body is entirely different. That shouldn't be up for discussion.
  9. Strawman. What are you even talking about? Like ridiculous lol. Breaking up a fight is not the same as campaigning for someone to lose their job and be thrown in jail lol. When you have nothing to say just make up an entirely new argument. It's astonishing that asking for facts is so controversial.
  10. WTF is this??!! We gave up a free possession while losing??? McDummy changed his mind on 3rd down??? He is AWFUL on gameday, freaking clueless and scatter brained!!
  11. You're comparing this to Ray Rice? Good lord your moral compass needs calibrating. To be honest rush to judgements and pitch fork mentality while completely lacking caring for any facts whatsoever says more about you people than it does Mr Willie. I'm not even saying the guy is right just merely saying we should understand what the facts are behind this short clip.
  12. You are having a really hard time with this, I think you need to slow down, go back and re-read, because you are completely misunderstanding what was said, or you are just purposely being obtuse. Not sure which it is. At no point did i claim the man did those things or that McGinnest is a batman type hero roaming the streets. It's really incredible the level you can twist and turn things and competely make up an entire fascination. It's impressive. Good luck with that, not going down this road of absurdities. I'll reiterate my earth shattering two cents: Wait for the facts of the story before passing judgment -- i.e., demanding he be fired from his job and thrown in a cell. 🤯
  13. In my opinion, the reason Milano is no where is because if you voted the ballots for OLB were sorted by Sacks. Milano was buried in the list at 1.5, i had trouble finding him, he was buried so far down.
  14. Not sure what you are referring to, didn't edit the post you quoted, it would say if i did. Blows my mind that waiting for factual information is such a ground breaking take. I mean do you people go through life making snap judgements with no facts? Not talking legality, talking morality. You don't know any information but you have all the answers, I'm merely reserving judgements for the facts. Oh yes, I'll spare you the example of abuse because as we all know children or women are never raped or abused this day and age, you're right. My bad. Would never happen.
  15. I send him a Christmas card every year, but not a chess set. We don't do gifts with each other.
  16. I don't know what the facts are, no one does. The point is wait for the fact before judging. This guy would need to have done something awful for this to be acceptable. Some people deserve beatings like this yes, rapists, sexual absuers, child abusers, domestic abusers, etc.
  17. No where did i say he was actively committing a crime while eating and you know this, not sure why you want to play games like that. And yes, many posters have already jumped to remove him from TV and throw him in jail, take a read. That's fine, i don't blame people for having their gut feelings on this, but all means do so... I just think it's silly for people to be so outraged they want him immediately jailed and lose his job and they don't even know anything other than a video clip lol. Read through the thread at the amount of people that want him kicked off NFL Network and thrown in prison... without knowing anything about this other than the video clip.
  18. You realize the other person could have committed an actual crime prior to this, right? Done something really awful. Just saying, wait for the facts, and yes you would need a pretty good reason for this. I won't list them out but you can use your imagination. I just don't understand the rush to cancel his job and remove him from society. Wait for the facts.
  19. I would LOVE for him to grow as a player, his contract says that's 100% expected and required of him. As a team we need that too. When he gets the 2nd 100 yard game of his career I will be very excited, and hopefully many more.
  20. No idea where they live and I'm not saying that was the issue just giving an example. Pretty much wait for the facts before grabbing your pitch forks. You lost respect without having any facts. That's actually pretty comical.
  21. Andy Reid must love him, his kind of guy, bet he's bailed him out and having a drink with him and Britt right now.
  22. Without knowing the back story I'll reserve judgements. For example... He's got 3 daughters, if this guy did something to one of them, could very well be justified. Or it could just be a stupid beef. We'll see. Certainly was a good beating though, can't see him doing something like this risking so much without a reason, but then again CTE is real and these guys have egos too. Interested to hear the rest.
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