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Everything posted by Billl

  1. I’ve seen him plenty. More importantly, I’ve seen enough CBs to know that age 30 is when you replace them rather than sign them to new contracts. If he were a star, that would be one thing. I’d still disagree with it, but I would understand. Douglas isn’t a star, though. He was a solid player who was the second best CB on the Packers who were happy to get a top 100 pick for him and his $9 million cap hit in 2024. Guys like him grow on trees. There’s no reason to give up a third round pick for him and then give him a new contract when you’ve literally got a 22 year old CB who you just traded up in the first round to get 18 months ago sitting on the bench.
  2. The team is $50 million over the cap. There’s no way a team in that position should give up picks for the right to take on a huge contract. Beane should be fired on the spot if he even entertained the idea.
  3. This is the answer, IMO. Beane and McDermott came to Buffalo with a plan, and they built up a championship caliber roster by following it. They didn’t quite win a championship, but they were a top 3 franchise over a 5 year span. That ship has sailed, and now it’s time to start over. Instead, they seem to be throwing good money after bad trying to run it back with a roster that’s 2-3 years past its peak. If I’m Pegula, I’m telling them that it’s time to clear out all of the old and/or injured players and start fresh with a youth movement. There’s simply no reason that so many of Beane’s draft picks can’t get on the field until they’ve wasted half their rookie contracts. You watched Wyatt Teller waste away on the practice squad because they wouldn’t put him on the field. Bernard barely played his rookie year, and then he looked like a monster year two. This year, White goes down and they traded a top 100 pick for a 30 year old CB with a fat contract a year after trading up in the first to draft Elam who can’t crack the lineup? Are you kidding me? Everybody wants to point to regular season wins against the Chiefs, but the reality is that Andy Reid uses the regular season to let his young players take their lumps. By the time the postseason rolls around, the youngsters who can play are out there contributing and those who can’t are wearing street clothes on the sideline. Meanwhile, OBD watches their old and/or injury prone players look old and injured in week 20 and now the discussion is how to pay these guys more money by borrowing from the future. If the goal is to be competitive every year and keep McBeane’s jobs safe, then they should keep doing what they’ve been doing. But if it’s really to win a championship, then it’s time to come up with a new 3-5 year plan. The good news is this time they’re starting with a HOF QB, so they’re halfway there. Stop pretending that guys like Hyde and Poyer and White and Douglas and Floyd and probably even Diggs are part of the solution. Go get younger, faster, healthier, and cheaper while Josh is in his prime.
  4. Hard to argue with Vegas, but I’m not afraid of Purdy. At no point when watching the Super Bowl did I legitimately think the Chiefs were going to lose that game. Midway through the second half, I saw the look on Purdy’s face and his body language and knew he didn’t have it in him to rip Chiefs fans hearts out. The same cannot be said about Josh. He’s one of a very few players in the league against whom you can play perfect defense and he can still make a huge play.
  5. I don’t think Mahomes deserved to win MVP this year.
  6. In your opinion, is he on the level with Aaron Donald, Chris Jones, and Quinnen Williams?
  7. It’s a good contract if you think he’s going to continue to be a 9.5 sack guy. The past three seasons, he’s had 4 sacks, 2.5 sacks and 9.5 sacks. In those same seasons, he’s had 14 QB hits, 14 QB hits, and 16 QB hits. On the one hand, it’s kind of amazing that he was able to convert 60% of his QB hits into sacks. On the other hand, that’s really difficult to sustain.
  8. Clearly 98% of the voters are just morons and the guy who finished 5th deserved to win.
  9. I predicted 10 or 11 wins and that the last game of the season would determine if the Bills made the playoffs. I would have been exactly correct except the Titans beat the Jaguars prior to the Miami game, so Buffalo was in either way. We’ll see how the offseason goes, but the team is facing some serious headwinds. Anything is possible, but IMO superstars win championships and Josh is the only superstar on the roster.
  10. Nobody here has a problem acknowledging that other teams have windows. It’s only when someone suggests that they exist in Buffalo that people suddenly act like it’s an absurd notion. The Bills front office clearly saw that their window was wide open a few years ago. It’s why they signed Von to a heavily backloaded deal. They went “all in” as an organization knowing that the tab would come due down the road. That window is starting to close. This doesn’t mean that Buffalo can’t or won’t win a title in the next year or two, but it does make it more difficult. 23 months ago, the Chiefs window went from wide open to very narrow overnight. When Tyreek was traded, the focus shifted from the 2022 season to 2024 and beyond when the draft picks would start to mature. We know what happened next, and there’s nothing saying that the Bills can’t do something similar. They’ve certainly got the QB to make it happen, but the margin for error is much smaller when there are so many declining players soaking up huge dollars against the cap. At this point, a choice has to be made. Do you rip off the bandaid and do a serious blood letting in terms of the cap, or do you try to re-tool on the fly? I haven’t seen any indication that OBD intends to do the former, so Beane is going to have to knock the next few drafts out of the park. I thought they should have started the rebuild after last season, but that obviously didn’t happen. My guess is that it will take them completely missing the playoffs before the decision is made to go that route, and if that happens Beane and McDermott likely won’t be around to help clean up afterwards.
  11. Did you watch Trey Smith, Isaiah Pacheco, Jaylen Watson, and Brock Purdy play in the Super Bowl?
  12. It’s not even a pick route. The DB was literally left covering both the TE and WR. Once Ward stayed with Kelce, Travis didn’t even bother turning around. He knew the ball was going to a completely uncovered Hardman. Reid can call the same play that other coaches do, but his are going to work more often because he sets teams up for them in advance. He’ll put things on film in week 5 just so he can use it in the postseason, and he’ll use certain formations a certain way early in the game just to break tendency late in the game. It always seems like he’s a step ahead. Then sometimes he gets too cute and it looks like a clown show.
  13. https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527 On a side note, I watched the parade from the parking lot of Bob Jones shoes in Kansas City.
  14. What kind of extension would you give Douglas? He’ll be 30 when the season starts.
  15. I just got back from the parade with my family. Incredible day. Beautiful weather, and everyone was having a blast. Ridiculous that any dirtbag can walk into any place in America and start killing people, but here we are. We just have to make sure not to go crazy and actually do anything to prevent it from ever happening again.
  16. They gave up a first rounder and then some for Diggs, and Kincaid is basically a slot receiver.
  17. That is 100% their relationship. Reid did something similar to Kelce against the Raiders. Those guys love each other, but they aren’t afraid to get into it. People comparing this to Diggs are talking out of their a-holes. Diggs and McDermott simply do not have that type of relationship. Also, anyone who says Kelce has issues is full of ish. He is very visible in Kansas City and couldn’t be more of a “man of the people”. He had to buy a house out in the suburbs so that Taylor could stay over because he lives downtown, and his condo is WAY too accessible. I get trying to run down a rival who just won his third Super Bowl in 4 years, but this is just sad.
  18. Player development is great and all, but if guys don't produce until it's time to get a second contract then you've lost most of the value of the draft picks. It's fine to pay $15 million to guys providing $15 million of value, but you get ahead by getting $15 million of production from guys making $2 million on rookie deals.
  19. Exactly. Back injuries to linemen are huge red flags. Extending players who had been mediocre every year prior to finally playing well is another. If he's willing to take a very reasonable contract, go for it. I wouldn't break the bank for him, though. His upside is a solid RT. His floor is what he's been every year before this past one. Beane's biggest strength has been his ability to find capable players in the mid to late rounds. Tell him to do it again and save your cap space for stars.
  20. The Buffalo secondary is SLOW, and Poyer is a huge factor. It's great that he's a savvy vet who occasionally makes a heroic play, but I don't see how you can keep sending him out there. You'll realize what a liability he was when he's finally replaced by someone with legit recovery speed.
  21. Not everywhere is as wealthy and posh as upstate NY. That Buffalo skyline is legendary.
  22. They should fire McDermott and hire one of the many coaches who regularly beat Reid and Mahomes.
  23. I'd go for two if I'm the second team, one if I'm the first team. If I'm the first team, I want the ability to win with a FG, so I'm hoping for a third possession.
  24. It's fine the way it is. The team who gets the ball second had the advantage of knowing what they need to do. The team that goes first has the advantage of winning in sudden death if it gets to a third possession.
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