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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Even though your post is just oozing with sarcasm I think you bring up an interesting point; is this coach a guy who can consistently coach at a high enough level on gameday to get you to a Super Bowl? McD is obviously an excellent culture builder. I don't think anyone can argue otherwise. His guys love to play for him. He's excellent at setting the routine and having a professional atmosphere around the organization (Something a guy like Rex Ryan obviously couldn't or wouldn't do). This is all important to building a consistent successful team. On gameday though the warts can show. He is often conservative at key moments, has questionable TO usage, or the playcalling goes off in a direction that you kind of have stretch your mind to justify. Now I can't say that this is him necessarily, maybe some of it or a lot of it has to do with his coordinators, it's hard to pin down without knowing how gamedays are executed. We'll likely see the difference come next season, because I would bet one or both coordinators are going to get a head coaching gig. I will say this though, the Bills are set up in a way to remain competitive for as long as Josh Allen is our QB. The FO has done an excellent job in structuring contracts in a way that's going to keep us flexible with personnel. I don't think there's any world where McD is the head coach for at least the next 2-3 seasons though, it would take probably back to back major flops to even consider him on a hot seat.
  2. I've been saying that all season. I have no idea why Addison is eating up so many snaps when we spent a first and two seconds in the last two years on edge rushers. I thought whole point of it was to lower his snap % so that he'd be fresh for specific key situations, that never seemed to manifest. And as much as I love Jerry Hughes as a player, I think it's time to just move on. I know he has a great pressure rate. Well pressure rates don't mean much when you're playing a QB who is just as comfortable out of structure as he is in the pocket. Eventually you have to get home, and the plan that the Bills made specifically for this matchup just went out there and had a big, fat, dud.
  3. He was playing prevent TD defense when they needed a FG. It was some of the worst decision making I've ever seen at the NFL level.
  4. I don't know how long or short it is, but I think we can all agree with how this playoff shook out that it was a very, very good opportunity for the Bills that's been kind of squandered.
  5. Don't worry. With how talented Allen is, there will be a lot of great playoff losses that we have instant nicknames for. 😂
  6. It's probably safe to say that on a forum like this you're probably the odd one out, I'd put money on most of the users of this forum watching a lot of football. In the general Bills fandom, you're probably way more common.
  7. I think Daboll likely is out the door with a HC position, so he won't be answering to much. Frankly if Fraiser and Daboll left I don't know how I'd feel, but I don't think I'd be that worried.
  8. I think the coaching really deserves to be asked some hard questions though. I think all season it's been highlighted that they're making really questionable decisions at critical moments. That's not to say they're bad coaches. You can be a poor game manager and a good coach, but I think to deny how they've hurt the team in key moments is kind of foolish.
  9. Okay, I just think that it's a waste, considering they haven't shown me that they can draft a superstar talent on defense.
  10. Good. Get rid of all of them. Hughes and Addison looked like fools out there getting juked by Mahomes over and over.
  11. I'm seeing a lot of people in here saying we should draft high in defense this offseason. What has made you confident that this org. know what they're doing when they're picking defense? We have a lot of good players, but we don't have a single star outside of Tre White that they've drafted, and they refuse to acknowledge it. We have spent so much draft capital on our defense, and they don't even show up to the biggest game of the season.
  12. No but I expect a little more honestly like than "they should be proud".
  13. Yeah it's nice to go to bat for your guys and all that but this is just delusional. The defense should be ashamed of themselves. They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory three separate times.
  14. I'm sorry but all season long we heard about how this defense was tooled specifically for this matchup and they played like garbage. Instead of using the guys we BROUGHT IN after losing the AFC Championship Game we had old ass Addison and Hughes eating up snaps when the closest they could get to Mahomes was to smell a fart. Fraiser was absolutely terrible this game, and lost us the game.
  15. I don't know that they would be able to keep up with the Bengals, if Chase/Burrow gets hot they're about as good as you can get. Vegas though, absolutely. They would have been outcoached hard.
  16. This game is a car crash. At least the Bills looked unstoppable, they couldn't do anything wrong. The Eagles can't stop machine gunning themselves in the foot. Hurts is playing like he bet on the other team.
  17. And a bad game just gets worse for the Eagles. Might as well just kneel it out.
  18. Refs, the game is already unwatchable because the Eagles are playing. You don't need to make it worse throwing a flag on every play.
  19. The Extra Point show has been pretty solid all season. Some the other shows are lacking but they're okay background noise.
  20. I didn't mention McKenzie only because he's on a 1 year deal and for whatever reason he seems to have a short leash with McDermott. I would like to see more of him but he doesn't seem to get meaningful snaps outside of gadget stuff. His pure speed + Allen makes him a threat for sure on the field though. I'd like to see him more than Beasley in the playoffs.
  21. True or not it sure feels like Beasley has pretty much fallen off a cliff in production. Yesterday it looked like he barely got any separation and just was kind of blah the whole game. Just like John Brown last season, I don't see the Bills paying this guy next year (and I expect people to tell me I'm crazy again). There are quite a few FA who I think can step in and at least give us what he got this season.
  22. Allen makes up for a lot of the shortcomings of the run game, but it's pretty undeniable that Singletary seems to have gotten into a good rhythm the last few weeks.
  23. It's a little better when you know that he caught some of them but was out of bounds, but yeah not the best look. I still prefer him over Sanders on the field though. Beasley looked worse in my opinion.
  24. It's crazy how this team underperforms HARD and still scores 27 points. How long have we waited for a team where the floor is 27? It's just wild. This team is a damn rollercoaster and I'm here for it. Chaos embodied.
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