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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. 22 passing touchdowns is not insane (yes he had 13 rushing touchdowns). Josh has put up stats that no other player in the history of the league has put up, and he has done it multiple seasons. He did make a huge leap from year 2 to year 3 (just like another QB we all know) but for people to think he’s the 3rd best player in the league is quite the stretch.
  2. Does that mean Dak would be #3 on the top 100 list next year?!
  3. I don’t think this is in any players head at all. The other stuff I can agree with, but this is a complete non-factor in players heads
  4. So just go off the gut test. In your gut do you think Hurts is the 3rd best player in the league? He did improve, sure, not arguing that, but he didn’t improve to 3rd best in the league. If he played in the AFC, he wouldn’t even be in the top 3QBs in the AFC
  5. Hurts at #3?? Hill above Josh??? That’s a bad top 10
  6. It was also mentioned because of the reaction by his teammates. Honestly seeing that reaction definitely showed that perhaps maybe (gasp) fans and media blew that whole Diggs thing out of proportion
  7. I was at practice today-this was actually really funny! All the guys and even Diggs himself were giving the thumbs down. Josh lobbed the next one to him, he caught it, got a really loud ovation! Safe to say there’s no issues with Diggs and Josh
  8. Not calling you out specifically but someone needs to explain this line of thinking. What about their coaching staff puts them in such high regard? This is the same coaching staff that put Tua back out on the field when he clearly had a concussion then had him play 3 days later and he got destroyed! That alone to me makes them not even in the top half of coaching staffs. The same thing was said here repeatedly about Flores and his staff too and I just don’t get it. Perhaps it’s just the Bills homer in me but I don’t get the love the dolphins coaching staffs have gotten over the last couple of years
  9. Every time I see anything about Cam Lewis I cringe-his play last year gives me major PTSD
  10. I don’t get the love for Fangio-honestly what has he done that makes him this amazing def. Coordinator? One that automatically makes him the top guy in the division. Admittedly I had to look up the guy’s name, but the Jets guy has been there for a couple of years and they do (unfortunately have a great defense) and you are just ranking Fangio above McDermott and Belichik. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I don’t understand what Fangio has done that makes him this amazing coordinator
  11. So the obvious problem here though is you are giving up a weapon this year to hopefully have a shot at getting someone next year. Giving up a weapon from Josh’s prime years
  12. But since they gave up his almost 400 yards receiving and a couple of touchdowns, NOW THEY’RE SCREWED!!
  13. Haha I love this place! A couple of years ago the big complaint was the Bills couldn’t win close games. Now they have learned to win close games but that’s not good enough either! So somehow the team needs to make sure each win is a blowout, but make it a close blowout, but not too close
  14. Gonna need an explanation for this thinking
  15. They’re still butthurt that the nation started to notice Allen in that game against the cowboys on thanksgiving. That 4th down play will forever live in their heads
  16. So obviously this has been going on for years with this staff, but why is that? Is the scheme so complicated that the rookies can’t grasp it? If so, things need to be uncomplicated-to me that’s a bad system. There are far too many rookies and second year players playing in other teams throughout the league for this to continually be an issue. It shouldn’t Already be a done deal that the team’s 2nd round pick won’t be a starter on the first day of training camp
  17. But it’s not Burrow’s job or responsibility to take less money to make things work. That’s up to the GM (who also makes a lot of money) and his guys to figure out. It’s also up to the billionaire owner to have enough money to pay these guys. As fans of these teams obviously we want to the team to have enough money to sign as many good players as possible, but people need to realize that it’s not up to the players to make that happen
  18. So are you saying the players shouldn’t make that much and the owners should pocket even more? I’m genuinely not understanding your take
  19. If the Jags go 10-7 in that horrible division that will be a wildly unimpressive season. Looks like they think the Chargers are gonna Charger too
  20. So my question to this is who released this information? Certainly not Barkley and his camp. My guess is the team leaked this info to make Barkley look greedy/bad. Maybe that was an actual offer and I’m off, but that’s an easy way to make the player look bad if it’s not true
  21. So the knock against Allen a couple of years ago was because he had only done it for one season, so he shouldn’t be in front of other QBs-why are the goal posts changing for Hurts? Allen was better in most statistics his 3rd year compared to Hurts. Do it for another season and then people can put him up there, but not yet. Is Burrow really blowing people out of the water with his 200 yards and 1 touchdown a game average in the playoffs???? I understand his team beat the Bills last year and he has gone to a Super Bowl, but has he ever played exceptionally well in the playoffs?
  22. So a line like this is why the player has almost no negotiating ability. I have seen that $16 million number thrown around a lot-where did it come from? Certainly didn’t come from the player. Makes a ton of sense for the team to leak a ridiculous number like that because look at what it did. Makes Barkley look greedy and unreasonable, and now public opinion is that Barkley’s demands were too high
  23. Except your argument doesn’t apply here. They weren’t allowed to negotiate with other teams to find out what they could get paid
  24. So the problem with this statement though is exactly what’s happening with the Giants. Danny dimes is not worth 40+ million and Barkley is worth more to the giants than what is being offered to him
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