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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. Not according to the Peters ball-washers who insisted we'd crumble w/out the Almighty Jason, only to find SALVATION the moment he glorified us with his deific omnificence! A-hole didn't need camp, they said. A-hole would be ready to go on day one, they said. A-hole's the best in the game, they said. Best there ever was, they said. Have I said it yet today...??? F kc Jason Peters.
  2. I'm gonna start celebrating now......n case I forget, HFNA, AiO!!!! Cheers
  3. No, Jason Peters play at LT is BAD....m'kay? Those who know everything about football and how to run a team are only "giving it a rest now" 'cause, well, ya know...
  4. It's all about Peters. Don't you know anything at all about football? This team's goin' absolutely nowhere w/out Jason. His hold-out made our whole defense play better.
  5. That's exactly what I'm predicting too, D2... SuperBowl-Bound BuffTown Bills --- 116 'We Lost Our Team To Phoenix So We'll Just Root For Los Angeles Instead' St. Louis Sheep- 29 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!!!!
  6. Au contraire - you may actually be witnessing his 'best form'
  7. Just thank your lucky stars that the 'Wade Phillips/Gregggggg Williams/Mike Mularkey School of Clock Management' still prevails somewhere out there... 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  8. Time for y'all (and by "y'all", 'y'all' know who I mean...) to take the Peters-flavored peeter outa your mouths... GO FRONT OFFICE!!!!!!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!
  9. What you should be hearing is how bad Jason Peters sucks.
  10. I would just like to add that Marv Levy is a senile old fool, and... OMGF...OMFG...OMFG...WE NEED TO PAY JASON PETERS!!!!!!
  11. Wants to renegotiate and get 'what's his' NOW...probably thinking , "If Professional Bowler AKA 'PayMe' Peters can 'cause such a stink while whiffin' on every block, then I better get me some 'fore this mosquito bite starts itchin'..."
  12. HFNAs to all a yuse guyz... GO BILLSSS!! Cheers
  13. Quite! And I wouldn't be surprised if somehow RB managed to send the same message to Parker and PayMe Peters - this team is way bigger than any one player... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
  14. yes it means DIE, !@#$ING RAIDERS.... DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I was nowhere near that hotel. I was at a private party in West Seneca, and I have witnesses.
  16. I've been totally addicted to Kool-Aid for many many years.... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  17. All I'm concerned with right now is tomorrow's game - should be 62 degrees and cloudy (like Winter in Los Gatos) - so TE should be just fine. GO BILLSSS!!!!
  18. Freakin' MARV..... Freakin' GENIUS!!!!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  19. Like I said earlier, last Bills game I went to at Oakland Coliseum there were more folks dressed up as Bills fans than as swashbuckling pirates and the game was blacked out locally - blacked out in a metro area 10 times the size of BuffTown, in a smaller stadium! Raiders suck. So do their fans.
  20. Friendly reminder - please don't forget your asterisks when referring to the Cheatriots* - we will beat them* 3 times this season, if they* make it that far... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!
  21. Zero wins. I knew we were a contender back in July... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
  22. Here's how I see it happening - freakin' Raiders don't know WTF hit them as they limp thru the tunnel down 27-3 at the half; Brruuuuuuce goes up on 'The Wall' at half time - seeing him, Marv, Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and company fires up the crowd and the team even more; the Bills come out of the locker room determined to duplicate that fateful day in January 1991... Superbowl-Bound Buffalo Bills...51 Chardonnay-Sippin' Alameda Ass Lickers 3 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
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