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The Senator

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Everything posted by The Senator

  1. '86 AFC playoffs - the year the Bears/McMouth kicked NE's* ass in the SB. Pretty sure Howie Long was involved in that incident too - but the photo clearly shows Millen was the one that 'bloodied-up' the Sullivan punk.
  2. Deano, you are forgetting Matt Millen's best move ever... Link
  3. Smart money usually sez take the home 'dog with the points - I don't bet so I don't really care if we win by one, but I think we'll win by a lot more than that... SuperBowl-Bound Bills 34 The Silence of the Lambs 0 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!!!!
  4. Quite true - at times, Marv had a mouth like a trucker that used to be a sailor. I remember watching a game broadcast when Marv had just called the ref to the sidelines for an 'explanation' of a bad call, and just as the TV cam zoomed in on Marv's face, real 'close up', the F-bombs start flying so loudly and clearly from his mouth that you could still read his lips after they cut the volume. The broadcasters were completely speechless, and I don't remember them zooming in on Marv's tirades much after that one - no one sez 'MutherF kcer' quite like Marv!
  5. Well heck, I miss JC too - but weren't the Lemon Sisters from the old Welk Show? Cincy???
  6. Wonderful team concept - hasn't cost PETERS anything! (Which is, of course, wrong - it may well have cost him a new contract, given the way he's currently playing.) Can we have a big, rousing chorus of PayMe's favorite cheer...all together now... M...E...E...E.... gooOOOO, ME!!!!!!!!
  7. Except Peters, who had no problem letting the whole team down all summer long. Otherwise, 'spot-on', OCinBuffTown! Most excellent observations. (They also get together for team meetings every Monday night at the nearby home of certain undisclosed player who apparently was a 'reach' at #8, and probably adjourn to the same bar afterwards.) No one's gonna tell me to curb my enthusiasm for this edition of the Bills - it's the best we've had in years and will not only make the playoffs, but go farther than most ever even dreamed. And the crap about 'who have we played so far?' Gimme a break - the Bills are also improving every week, learning how to win, how to come from behind, handle adversity, developing more and more confidence in themselves and each other. Even Peters will contribute, eventually. We're witnessing the beginning of the next Buffalo Bills Football Dynasty before our very eyes... 19 and 0 baby!!! GO BILLSSS!!!! PosLUSZny!!!!!
  8. He doesn't say that on Wednesdays, does he?
  9. So just how overused - and misused - is the term 'schadenfreude' since David Kelly & James Spader introduced it to the unlettered in season 2 of Boston Legal?
  10. Rome is hit 'n'miss - sometimes hysterically funny, other times hard to tolerate, but he's been heapin' some love on the Bills of late - even last season - so that obviously makes him a better - and smarter - guy, IMHO. GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  11. He DAMNED WELL BETTER improve as the year goes on, 'cause right now he's not even close to being "the best most important player on the team", and he's playing at a level nowhere near the money he thinks he's worth. No one's asking for perfection from PayMe - or any player. They'll all make mistakes; that's a given - but instead of acting like an a-hole, Peters would have benefited from doing what the rest of his teammates did, namely, honor his contract, work like hell in the off-season to get even better, show up for OTAs and camp, be in game shape and ready to go at the start of the season, and do everything a GREAT player would do to improve every season. Don't care if some don't like or agree with my opinion - Peters let me down, and he let the team down.
  12. I think you hit the nail on the head, PTR - it's doesn't so much matter to PayMe if he is a premiere LT, so long as he's paid like one.
  13. You're assuming he's going to get back to Pro Bowl form. I hope he does, but still say that's a big "IF". (All of 'The Holdout's Cult' members insisted he'd be 100% ready by week two - we now know how laughable that notion was.)
  14. This story still breaking.... Link
  15. I guarantee ya, PTR - the Peters ball-washers would find a way to blame it on someone else while insisting how lucky we are that PayMe graced us with his presence a month and a half late. As it is, get ready for the inevitable replies from his worshipers, i.e., "You don't know what the hell you're talking about...do you even watch football?", or, "I can't even believe you're citing an article from RF365!" We're 3-0 despite PayMe Peters, not because of him, but they'll never admit that. Have I said it yet today...??? F kc Jason Peters!!!! (There...I feel much better. )
  16. I think we're just fine with Edwards starting and Hamdan as #2 - but we could lose them both to injury, given Peters' piss-poor play so far this season. Best to go after a durable #3...someone who won't wilt when PayMe whiffs his blocks...someone like... GO BILLSSS!!!! 19 and 0 baby!!!!!
  17. To your credit, berndogg, you were not a member of the PayMe Peters Pack. I expect him to get better as he gets in game shape - not 'break-the-bank-best-and-most-important-guy-on-the-team' good, but better. BTW - OTAs and training camp are great places to hone your skills - especially if you want to 'break-the-bank'!
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