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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Yeah that really sucks when the death of another human being inconveniences your self-indulgent recreation. Very sorry for your loss
  2. So I gave you one warning point for the only time in five years when you dragged a bunch of Trump garbage into an irrelevant thread, and now I don't understand autism? Maybe I work with special needs kids every single day. Maybe I'm even further along the spectrum than you. You have no idea so I'd suggest you keep that insulting nonsense to yourself from now on.
  3. We've seen a few things 'round here. But that is one of the most unique combinations of vowels and consonants to ever deck these walls.
  4. If I was allowed to throw up halfway home, I think I could knock out 5-10 a minute. But those lunatics eating 200+ are not even human beings. That's a wing every 3 seconds!
  5. for gawd's sake man, you're space force. You could be there in like 14 seconds!
  6. Either you move fast or that is the slowest cooking burger joint ever....
  7. Were you allowed to throw up a couple minutes in and keep rolling or would that disqualify you?
  8. I think this thread had some pretty good info if I remember right.
  9. I guess it comes down to what you consider elite. Is the 5th best TE in the league elite? The 10th best? My understanding is that he is currently going to be somewhere around the 5th highest paid TE in the NFL, and next year he is going to end up somewhere closer to 10th highest paid. I think that slots in pretty well with where he sits in the NFL's TE hierarchy and it could be an absolute steal by next year or the year after. I 100% agree that if that contract ended up costing them Ed Oliver, I'd be really pissed off. I just think there is a 0% chance of that being the case. 'Preciate the 'preciate. 🤙
  10. That's not a fact, that's an opinion. And one I disagree with. On a loaded offense with a co-ordinator that often eschews the TE position, he still managed to maximize nearly every opportunity he was given. He also reached an elite level of consistency and reliability that he didn't previously have. In addition to that he also made a huge leap in his role as a blocker and again found a level of consistency that he hadn't previously had. He's also became a clear leader in the locker room and on the field as well. When Josh Allen starts looking for you whne he's in trouble, that speaks volumes about the kind of player you are. He's got a great set of tools and has worked his ass off to maximize every one of them; at this point there are very few TE's I'd even consider trading him for.
  11. Yeah, that is interesting. Let's just hope Von is not also a chronic public masturbator
  12. I don't know who you are. If you are looking for tickets I can tell you that I don't have any, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long life. If you stop looking for tickets, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you do buy any playoff tickets, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.
  13. Cant' remember if I put his one out there years ago, but it's still a winner.
  14. Are you sure? You better check with unbillievable first.
  15. Pretty soon every galdanged thread on the board will be "Josh talks to somebody"
  16. I'm sure there is some aspect of that present, but it doesn't apply to everybody.
  17. I think there is literally 0% chance of that He may have, I have no idea. But when he stepped on a field with actual NFL players and had to jam them, run and cut with them, tackle them, etc, he looked like a little kid. I bet if you asked Beane about it in private, he'd be embarrassed by the pick now.
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