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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. you do realize the coaches give him the green light to take those kickoffs out right?
  2. right on and thanks again. I am one of probably many who’s a bit infuriated with all of Allen’s misses deep this year, but I still recognize the strides he’s made in other parts of his game.
  3. i think you did a great analysis in your OP actually. And you did acknowledge his improvement. Short and intermediate routes, especially over the middle (the in-crossers and digs to beasley and brown most notably) Allen has been pretty much lights out. What is wrong with his passes when guys get behind the defense I am not sure, but you make strong points as to the problem. Good stuff ?
  4. Pitt doesn’t bother me as much as other teams but i still love OP’s post.
  5. Can’t take credit. I believe @Joe in Winslow created the concern-o-meter. ?
  6. So what’s the likely punishment for this? Probably nothing too serious or satisfying to the rest of the league’s teams and their fans. Goodell is an empty suit at the end of the day.
  7. Cool. Yes. A win is preferable to a loss Sunday.
  8. yes my Concern-o-Meter is reading off the charts on this completely arbitrary and luck-based statistic.
  9. True. We’ll see. Knox is already credited with 5 drops this season and i don’t think that they’ve counted Sunday yet. I am willing to give him time he’s a rookie after all. Just want to sit back and see the comments around here though if he continues to stone hand easy balls. Hey maybe he should just continue to try to catch with one hand? Seems to work for him.
  10. true on the run blocking. I was mostly thinking of the Allen fumble where Knox got turnstiled and got his QB crushed.
  11. Be fun to see if Knox gets more or less rope than Zay did around here for his horrific hands. Not to mention Knox’s suspect blocking. Guessing people will be a lot more tolerant of Knox.
  12. Eh, a 1 score loss to (arguably) the best team in the league when it’s pretty clear the bills didn’t play their best ball? I’ll take that. No moral victories or anything, but I’d feel pretty good if we had to play them again.
  13. no they’re pretty apparent - he fumbles
  14. See you started out completely correct then went somewhere else. you know who does see him every day in practice? The coaches. Who decides who’s active on sunday? The coaches. So while you correctly point out that we don’t know, I will continue to trust the guys that have more info than me. Seriously most here seem more than willing to heap praise on McD except when it comes to this poor, poor 6th string receiver that can’t get a shot. Except he did get a shot earlier in the year.
  15. And if Duke can’t crack the active 46 with terrible, below replacement-level receivers like foster ahead of him, what’s that say about Duke chief? he’s trash. He belongs back in the CFL.
  16. Duck doesn’t arouse too much concern. Pitt’s defense? Different story
  17. this exactly. Activating a guy that can’t get open to throw 50/50 balls to all day seems like not a very realistic formula for sustained offensive success. Yet here we are. Every week. The same people. (These people who, btw, do not see Duke in practice, as the coaches do, who are making the (likely) wise decision to park his butt on the inactive list.)
  18. no one that matters though. The Duke love needs to stop. It’s getting creepy.
  19. because he’s not an NFL caliber receiver. No need to mention what is obvious to everyone (besides you.)
  20. goes to division records i believe.
  21. Good field position again. Let’s go please need points before half.
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